What is Your Favourite Teacher?
A Bett Award winning, online learning platform with hundreds of bitesize GCSE English, Maths and Science lessons, all created by experienced teachers.
Highly engaging and animated, teacher-led videos, that keep students focused. Accompanied by worksheets, podcasts, quizzes and more; filling knowledge gaps and improving exam technique. Gamification features reward students for their learning efforts, to boost confidence and develop positive learning behaviours.
Logically structured courses make it suitable for teacher led, parent led or self-guided study. Task setting and in depth reporting support the monitoring of student progress. Accessible anytime, on any electronic device, allowing for flexible learning. Quick and simple signup process.
Educational Impact
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Your Favourite Teacher Reviews
from 12 Verified Reviews
User rating
Feb 2024
Mrs found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Too much”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“not really”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“said city are shit”

Nov 2019
Your Favourite Teacher is an exceptional platform that has helped to both decrease the pressures of teaching and has helped increase the student subject understanding.
James found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge
- Significantly reduces teacher workload

Nov 2019
Great for cover, reduces teacher workload, comprehensive and high quality
Paulina found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Major improvements in English and Maths”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Reduced significantly”

Nov 2019
Excellent aid
Sophie found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Killing it with science”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“homework setting”

Nov 2019
I think students really like platform
tina plucknett found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“students feel like they can revise gaps they have from YFT”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload

Nov 2019
Outstanding resources and a fantastic team behind them.
Elena found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students using the English videos and resources ahead of their mock exams this month.”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Our teachers don't currently use it, our students are giving access to suplement their learning. It has reduced my workload as I used to run a 'homework style' club after school which I can't do this year but I can see when learners are logging in and what they are accessing.”

Nov 2019
I think it’s fantastic as it really helps students to understand the subject from different angles. A great support in the classroom and excellent to use for students who are absent or need extra support. I’ve been very impressed so far!
Charlene Shaw found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“A huge jump in progress between two sets of mock exams in year 11. They were able to remember quotes and their interpretations were a lot better.”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“It’s helped me to see what areas my students still need help on so I plan more effectively in a shorter amount of time.”

Nov 2019
The students enjoying using the platform and the content is directly from what they are learning in their schools.
Nathan Marshall found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“retention of information and the ability to recall the information learnt effectively.”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload

Jon Slater
Head of Education & Player Care
Used Your Favourite Teacher for 3 months
Nov 2019
Your Favourite Teacher has motivated all levels of student we have in our Under 15 & Under 16 age groups. They are always positive when they use the platform. They enjoy working with the varied resources.
Jon Slater found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Helped improved performance back in school with mock GCSE exams”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Allows students to select appropriate materials to work through from the topics they have been set. I am confident that what they select will be relevant for their needs.”

Nov 2019
A very useful product, and given time and adding and refining resources etc, there is no reason it couldn't be 10!
Anthony found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Pre made resources and mark schemes, drastically cut the workload”

Nov 2019
Very useful revision tool for our players to use.
Dale found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Moderately builds student knowledge
- Slightly reduces teacher workload

Nov 2019
The students enjoy it!
Jenny found Your Favourite Teacher:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Really helpful to remember more about the characters in An Inspector Calls, and helps my students to prep for their mocks.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No need to make loads of revision worksheets. Also great for cover.”