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Winning With Numbers

Winning With Numbers


Winning With Numbers

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What is Winning With Numbers?

Winning With Numbers is on a mission to ensure children are fluent and confident with number. The Winning With Numbers programme is a structured and systematic number curriculum and learning platform that has been created by headteachers and primary maths specialists.

Winning With Numbers is like phonics for maths!

The Winning With Numbers curriculum identifies 300 pieces of number knowledge (300 WINs) and puts them in a straight-line sequence of learning making it easy for children, staff and parents to move from one WIN to the next.

The Winning With Numbers learning platforms comes with a comprehensive suite of teaching, learning and assessment resources for all 300 WINs. Winning With Numbers resources include:

Teacher and parent subject knowledge videos called 'Be the Expert'

Sequential teaching videos called 'Teach Me'

Explicit instruction teaching videos called 'Goals'

Online practice and retrieval questions

Online feedback and support through the 'Remind Me' feature

Individual score cards for children

Online tracking for staff and parents

Winning With Numbers improves fluency and confidence with number for children, staff and parents! Winning With Numbers will:

Improve outcomes for children

Upskill staff so they become expert teachers of number and reduce workload

Support parents to understand their child's learning journey and what they can do to help.

Recommended Usage

Ideally, WWN is used every day in a 15-20 minute whole class/group session. It is like a phonics for maths session!

Educational Impact

build student knowledge
improve teaching efficiency
improve attainment
improve teacher knowledge
reduce attainment gap

Additional evidence

Case Study North East

Mar 2025

Randomised Control Trial Year 3 What Worked Education

Mar 2025

Randomised Control Trial Year 4 What Worked Education

CompanyBusiness Name: Harding Education
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2021
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13
FeaturesSmall Step Systematic CurriculumCpd Videos Teaching Videos Parent Support Videos Explicit Instruction Videos Practice And Retrieval Questions Individual Feedback And Support Assessment And Tracking Identification Of Learning Gaps Individualised Curriculum
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

Winning With Numbers can be played on an internet browser or via the webapp. It can be used with the whole class who have individual white boards to record answers or on individual devices. Pupils have their own login details and can access Winning With Numbers on all devices at school and at home.

Set Up

30 minutes

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos

We recommend launch training to introduce staff to the Winning With Numbers vision, the main elements of the Winning With Numbers programme and how best to use Winning With Numbers to impact on outcomes. However, the platform includes ongoing CPD videos for each part of the curriculum. A Welcome Guide is provided alongside pre-recorded training/support for staff and parents. We offer consultancy days throughout the year to support high quality implementation and review. Free refresher training is available for new staff.

SupportEmailKnowledge BasePhone Support

Half termly touch base meetings are offered to school leaders FREE of charge. Winning With Numbers consultants are available for support in school e.g. learning walks alongside the maths leader.

The Winning With Numbers Book is available which includes the curriculum and guidance and the Teaching Hub on the website provides ongoing support and implementation guides.

Home LearningParent Access

Anyone can create the account.

With a school subscription, all parents have access. Otherwise, parents can subscribe and login with the email and the password used to register.


Winning With Numbers Pricing

Pricing Plans

Paid Subscription

Winning With Numbers pricing starts from £199 / year

An individual teacher or tutor subscription is available at £199/year.

Whole school prices start from £650/year and vary depending on the size of school and number of users.

Parent subscriptions are available from £80/year.

Group discounts are available.

Optimised for a quick response
Special Offer10% discount from first annual subscription for EdTech Impact users

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Winning With Numbers Reviews

5 out of 5

from 15 Verified Reviews

Winning With Numbers has collected 5 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Winning With Numbers
Lydia Purdy


Used Winning With Numbers daily for 4-6 months

Mar 2025

The programme is very teacher and child friendly. There is no extra planning for staff and the children enjoy the sessions. There is a mixture of teacher input, shared learning and independent activities. There are lots of options to support where needed. The sequence of learning cleverly builds on number facts, supporting with recall. The retrieval questions allow previous facts to be covered regularly, again helping with retention.

Lydia Purdy found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Recall of facts is quicker and children are applying skills when using calculation strategies. Mental arithmetic skills have definitely improved and are quicker.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    The simplicity of the delivery of Winning with Numbers supports with the reduction of cognitive overload. The 'straight-forward' strategies support all learners, which allows children to make links with mental arithmetic and apply to calculation strategies.
  • Slightly improves attainment
    It is too early to measure significant impact. Teachers have noticed an improvement in number fluency and mental arithmetic skills within the classroom. This is also evident from pupil interview. Data from formal assessments will support with the recognition of impact.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Teachers feel more confident in the best ways of supporting children with number fluency. The videos and support information is clear in explaining the purpose and effective strategies to help children to remember.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    It is too early to measure impact across school, but there has been a significant improvement of how children feel about arithmetic skills (particularly evident in less confident mathematicians). Most children in classes are keeping up with the WINS and there is evidence of how children are applying some of the skills taught to calculation strategies.
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Winning With Numbers
Gareth Lewis


Used Winning With Numbers daily for 0-3 months

Mar 2025

Winning With Numbers is something of a revelation - why have we not been teaching number knowledge like this all along?

Gareth Lewis found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    After only 3 months, children are already beginning to recall number facts more fluently and quickly.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Teachers are able to use the inbuilt plans to teach number fluency, and can team teach with the videos.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children are already more fluent in their recall of number facts.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Teachers are now more aware of the best way to teach fluency and number facts, and can better understand the appropriate progression of learning.
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    The structured, 'phonics like' approach in school ensures that all learners make progress, and the individual learning areas on the learning platform support individual progress regardless of starting point.
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Winning With Numbers
Sandra Ford


Used Winning With Numbers daily for 4-6 months

Mar 2025

Our score reflects the all round impact Winning with Numbers has on pupil learning, support for staff and leaders.

Sandra Ford found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Winning with Numbers is having a positive impact on every day maths lessons; pupil confidence and understanding is already improved.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Winning with Numbers gives teachers a structure to follow that we can already see the benefits of. Its ease of use means that it is welcomed by staff and used on a daily basis.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children who were struggling and lacking in confidence are now much more engaged and feel successful in WWN and in maths lessons.
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge
    Teacher knowledge is sound, but the programme supports teacher understanding of putting concepts in place through WWN before required in the National Curriculum.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    We are seeing this, but our journey with WWN has only recently started - but our hopes are high that this will be the case, especially based on early impact.
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Winning With Numbers
Barbara Middleton


Used Winning With Numbers daily for 7-12 months

Mar 2025

We have only started with Win With Numbers and the training is excellent and the package can be used in different ways e.g. daily teaching sessions of essential learning, intervention groups run by support staff (who do not need an advanced level of skill as Win With Numbers does the teaching), as home learning with children working independently or with the programme supporting parents with their own learning.

Barbara Middleton found Winning With Numbers:
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    For less experienced teachers, it is very structured. It also forces teachers to provide thinking time and improve recall. It has a specific pace.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    It breaks the learning into small steps and it is possible to go back steps when necessary to deepen understanding.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Children are able to use known facts to enable them to apply learning thus improving learning in non-negotiables.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Where teachers are not maths specialists, or not confident themselves, it enables them to see a sequence of learning and progress.
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    As the class move through the mastery, keeping up approach, the teacher has the ability to move back through steps but children can also use this programme individually thus enabling repetition of learning.
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Winning With Numbers
Dawn Bennett

Assistant Headteacher

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 7-12 months

Mar 2025

As Maths and Numeracy Lead it is a very benficial and worthwhile programme to develop number fluency at a whole school level. So far, staff report positive comments about the use and benfits within their classes, the learners are very enthuiastic and motivated. I really feel it has exposed key areas in number that we were lacking at a systems level and we now know exactly where the gaps are and can begin to build on these sequential steps which are very intelligently and strategically planned and organised. We now feel we have the rigour and structure that was missing.

Dawn Bennett found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Number fluency was identified as a need and WWN is proving beneficial to meet this need across the school with our learners. It also is providing a more consistent pedagogy and the blended approach to learning is proving worthwhile.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Samples of learner voice are demonstrating stronger conceptual understanding and their speed of recall is improving.
  • Slightly improves attainment
    We are still at early stages of the programme and as yet have not tracked the attainment. This will be our next step.
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
    As yet we are not sure and do not have the data to support. Next steps
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    The Teach Me videos are proving very worthwhile for subject knowledge and are supporting staff particularly the TA's - they are also providing a solid foundation for the teaching of methodologies
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Winning With Numbers
Alun Stephens

Acting Headteacher

Penygaer Primary School, Wales

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 4-6 months

Aug 2024

1. It has had immediate positive impact upon learning. 2. As a school we can see that over the next two years it will definitely improve standards once it is established. 3. It is excellent because it can be start being used with the very youngest children in the nursery class. 4. The interactive nature of using it on a variety of devices. e.g. iPads, Chromebooks, phones. 5. Parents are involved in their learning. 6. Staff can easily track the pupils in their class using the website. 7. Other schools have visited our school at this early stage and have been impressed by its impact.

Alun Stephens found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    When analysing the the procedural Welsh national tests in July it was clearly evident that of the 4 academic years using winning with numbers, three years were above national average and one year was within expected range. Many to most pupils had improved on their standardised scores.
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Once the staff had used the programme for about a month they were able to confidently and easily access all the support available for teaching. The videos supported staff in how to teacher specific aspects of number and the method necessary.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Less experienced teachers and newer teaching assistants gained significant knowledge in how to teach fluency in number. More experienced staff also thought more carefully in how to teach number and is improving their pedagogy.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Of the classes that have used winning with numbers, many to most pupils had improved on their standardised scores.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Staff have also noted the pupils' greater fluency of number when applying numeracy across the curriculum.
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Winning With Numbers
Jaime Pearce

Head of School

Longhill Primary School, England

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 4-6 months

Mar 2024

Provides a clear structure for teaching of number fluency. It allows children to be confident with number and we can see an increase in subject knowledge of the staff.

Jaime Pearce found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    At the start of the year we said that 64% of the children were on track to be Age Related, since starting WWN we are now looking at 74%.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Resources are available and it allows a teacher to team teach. It helps with planning as it clearly has a starting point and end point.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    As we have only been teaching WWN for 6 months the early signs are that we will see a rise in attainment, however we need to judge this more at the end of the year.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Winning With Numbers
Emma Kerr

Executive Principal

Athena Learning Trust, England

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 1-2 years

Mar 2024

It’s just brilliant, affordable and led by passionate and great people!

Emma Kerr found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Y6 2023 data placed two of our primaries in the top 10% of schools nationally for maths outcomes, progress was positive
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    The steps need to be smaller and support with identifying the prior knowledge/skill/step necessary to tackle an issue in KS2
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Top 10% of country for Y6 maths attainment.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Basic number fluency and interconnectedness via regular quizzing and recap of prior knowledge
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Winning With Numbers

Business owner

Num6er 5chool, Ireland

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 3-4 years

Mar 2024

WWN really is 'precision pedagogy'. Without it I wouldn't be nearly as effective and my students wouldn't be making the amazing progress that they have.

Connor found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    My 11-year-old twins have been attending NumberSchool for the past 6 months, and the progress they have made is truly remarkable. Their school reports have been fantastic, and their teachers have noticed a significant improvement. Connor, their teacher at Num6er 5chool, uses Winning With Numbers. He has a teaching style that is both inspiring and engaging. They absolutely love his lessons and the fun games they get to play. Connor is not only understanding but also has a wonderful sense of humor. My son is dyslexic and also has other learning needs. The progression at Num6er 5chool is so precise that he found his next steps were always easy. Everything that he needed was in place. Right at the beginning, in about 15 minutes, Connor found out what facts were in his long term memory. This was done without the need to write anything or use a timer - things that would be very stressful for my son. He then put a schedule in place to help my son memorise the most important facts. This has been a real game changer. My son can now do lots of challenging calculations, all in his head. This is because, as Connor would say, “It’s all about getting the sequence of learning correct - and Winning With Numbers has perfected it!. Get this right and learning about numbers becomes easy for every child.” My son is proof that Num6er 5chool & Winning With Numbers really has cracked the code! My daughter has always enjoyed Maths and been really good at it - or so we thought - until she started using WWN at Num6er 5chool. Her mental Maths is now on a completely different level. Num6er 5chool quickly identified and plugged all the gaps she had in her fact recall then showed her the most efficient brain friendly ways to think. It’s got to the stage were her school teacher is telling her to stop doing calculations in her head and to write them down - even though she always gets them right!! One of the best things about NumberSchool is that it's all online, which makes it incredibly convenient and hassle-free. We have received great support throughout the entire journey. Thank you, Number 5chool, for making learning such a positive and enjoyable experience for my children. Parent - Clair, Ireland March 2024.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    WWN has really helped to keep my prep time to a minimum. I watch the videos with my students and then they go on to the bank of questions provided.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    WWN has taken my teacher knowledge to the next level. The sequencing and mini-steps via the goals are awesome. As a result all my students find their next steps incredibly easy - because WWN has made sure that all the prior knowledge that they need is already in place.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    All my students complete 2 steps per week - this is equivalent to about 2 weeks number learning.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    How do you know? is my fav question. Due to the precision of WWN and their videos my students have a much deeper understanding of all the concepts covered and are very able to articulate what they are learning.
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Winning With Numbers

Maths Leader

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 4-6 months

Feb 2024

A fantastic scheme

Markella found Winning With Numbers:
  • Slightly reduces attainment gap
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Mental fluency - confidence
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Use of mathematical terminology
  • Moderately improves attainment
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Independent work
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Winning With Numbers
Camilla Hall

Specialist Curriculum Leader

St Mary’s Catholic First School, England

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 1-2 years

Jan 2024

Although the children have significant gaps in their maths learning (for a variety of reasons, including COVID), WWN enable the teachers to go back and secure learning that was missed in order to move forward with confidence.

Camilla Hall found Winning With Numbers:
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    Gaps close quickly when used in addition to whole class teaching. i.e. interventions
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Curriculum small steps are well planned out for teachers. Teacher work-load is significantly reduced.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Teachers' knowledge of how the curriculum is sequenced is developed.
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Too early on in our use of WWN to ascertain impact on attainment. YR have managed to keep up with their maths curriculum really well through WWN.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Links are continually made to prior learning, and how today's step (WIN) builds on previous steps (WINS).
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Winning With Numbers
Kelly Lamond

Deputy Headteacher

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 1-2 years

Jan 2024

Whilst it works for our school, I know some schools have alternative resources/schemes.

Kelly Lamond found Winning With Numbers:
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    Greater impact on fluency
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Increased teacher subject knowledge
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Subject knowledge and teaching methods embedded
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Gaps in attainment significantly improved
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Children are more confident and can recall facts quickly
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Winning With Numbers
Sean Harris

Research, Development & Innovation

Tees Valley Education, England

Used Winning With Numbers weekly for 7–12 months

Jan 2024

WWN offers a fresh, innovative and robust approach to teaching and learning number. Furthermore, partnership with both Ben and Bethan Harding will create add real value and learning to your organisation.

Sean Harris found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    WWN has provided our teachers and pupils with a robust and evidence-rooted approach to teaching number. It allows for gaps to be easily recognised by teachers at all levels and address these gaps promptly.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    The WWN approach builds on our extensive work as a Trust on teacher-education and understanding the mechanics of effective pedagogy. This supports teachers in not only understanding a science of learning, but readily applying it to their classrooms.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Moderately improves attainment
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Pupils not only a confidence with number through WWN but a genuine love of learning. It has been affirming watching parents and carers work alongside pupils as part of family open days. One parent said to me that she struggled to get her child off the WWN programme whereas previously she used to struggle with him coming away from Minecraft!
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Winning With Numbers


Used Winning With Numbers daily for 1-2 years

Jan 2024

programme is logical, flexible, easy to use, pupils like it too

Rob found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    speed of recall, making links
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    resources availability, visual aids
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    confidence and application of knowledge to problem solving
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Winning With Numbers
Debbie Lewis

Deputy Headteacher

Langley Green Primary School, England

Used Winning With Numbers daily for 3-4 years

Jan 2024

We all love Winning With Numbers because it is highly engaging for staff and pupils. It is an excellent programme for developing pupils mental arithmetic skills. There is a clear progression from our Nursery to Year 4 and there is a strong support for teachers in the delivery of the programme.

Debbie Lewis found Winning With Numbers:
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    Daily use of WWN enabled us to receive excellent results in our multiplication check last year. Parents are highly engaged in WWN and are supporting pupils at home by having access to the platform at home which is ensuring our pupils are making rapid progress.
  • Significantly improves teaching efficiency
    Teachers are fully supported with the delivery of WWN as the platform provides teaching videos to explain each Win to them. Teachers can team teach with Ben and so work load is reduced and they are enabled to teach consistently good lessons. This in turn ensures pupils make rapid progress and learning gaps are filled quickly.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    The video on each Win for teachers and parents really supports our teachers in understanding each Win. This means all teachers are confident in the teaching of each individual Win and how it connects with prior essential skills and knowledge.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Our maths results are consistently well above National in KS2 and WWN is an essential part of our children's mathematical learning journey and contributes significantly towards our results.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Pupils consistently demonstrate high levels of engagement in WWN lessons and have developed good mental arithmetic skills.
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Last updated 20th March 2025
Winning With Numbers
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