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Quality pedagogy awardTeacher recommended certification for 2025/03

What is ubbu?

Teacher shortages, growing workloads, and limited expertise in Coding and Computer Science leave many schools struggling to prepare students for a tech-driven future.

ubbu is a turnkey solution designed to make digital literacy accessible to all.

Why ubbu?

- Designed for all primary education teachers, regardless of experience.

- Interdisciplinar lessons with STEAM

- Trusted by 7,000 teachers and 350,000 students in 1,500 schools worldwide.

- Transforming education in Brazil, reaching 100,000 public school students in Bahia, where digital skills are opening doors to opportunity.

- Partnering with global leaders like Marshall Cavendish in Southeast Asia and Macmillan in South Africa.

- Recognized by the European Union and ranked #1 in digital skills among 52 European projects

- Aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

ubbu doesn’t just teach coding, it introduces foundational concepts like algorithms, debugging, and parallel instructions, making learning intuitive and engaging. Lessons go beyond technical skills to foster computational thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, helping students connect technology with real-world applications.

ubbu inspires students to think about technology’s role in addressing social responsibility and sustainability, equipping them to use their skills for meaningful change.

Educational Impact

build student knowledge
improve teacher knowledge
improve attainment

Additional evidence

Jan 2025

Evaluation by Edtech Impact and Education Alliance Finland

Evidence One Pager

CompanyBusiness Name: ubbu - Code To Create
HQ Location: Portugal
Founded: 2019
Age Range5-7, 8-10, 11-13
FeaturesCurriculumLesson PlansLive ReportsGamesExercisesProjectsProject TemplatesVideosGlossaryQuizzesStudent ScoresClassroom Dashboard Self-paced & IndependentGame-play Learn By Doing
LanguagesEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

1 computer or tablet for the teacher

  • 1 computer or tablet for every 2 students (they can login as teams of 2)
  • Operating system: Windows, Linux or Mac OSX Browser: Chrome is preferred. But Firefox, Safari and Edge with active JavaScript are also supported.
  • Internet connection
Set Up

1 minute

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos

We have a ton of resources to share with educators - both teachers and parents. Here are just a few:

- Lesson Plans All lessons are structured for educators to be able to follow up on what's to come. Including which Sustainable Development Goals are to be covered during class, which Cognitive Motor Skills are going to be worked on, and which Computer Science K-12 Framework Topics, with options to review all these on the product itself if needed.

- ubbu Learning Series on YouTube. A preview of some of our in-class Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqJjCccVjbDFzDY5kRvAb8VPXZUa5M2YM

- ubbu Help Center. Learn how to start a class, Start a lesson at ubbu, Check Progress and much more. https://intercom.help/play_ubbu/en/collections/1491325-help-center

- ubbu Academy. For parents, teachers, educators, and everyone else who’s looking to get the most out of ubbu. https://ubbu.io/en/academy?_gl=1*qli31a*_ga*MTcwODI3MDkxOC4xNzIwNjEyMDQ1*_ga_Q7SMFFCLC5*MTczNjE1NDcwNC4xODAuMS4xNzM2MTU0ODM0LjYwLjAuMA..

Feel free to contact us for more Resources.

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Home LearningParent Access

Anyone can create the account.

TagsCodingComputer ScienceDigital LiteracyGamingDigital LiteracyProgrammingElementary schoolBlock-coding

ubbu Pricing

Pricing Plans

FreemiumFree TrialPaid Subscription

ubbu pricing starts from $4.8 / month


ubbu School
25$ per pupil per year. Volume discounts may be applied.

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ubbu Reviews

4.9 out of 5

from 45 Verified Reviews

ubbu has collected 38 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



David Márquez


Optimus Educación, España

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Mar 2025

Me resulta por experiencia una plataforma indispensable en los sistemas educativos de primaria para incentivar la motivación por el aprendizaje con experiencias adecuadas a una amplia diversidad de curriculums

David Márquez found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    El impacto es significativo por su atractivo en el aprendizaje a través del juego de conceptos de programación como bucles, condicionales, así como resolución de problemas.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Facilita la integración en el curriculum al ser una plataforma transversal a todas las areas académicas como también las ODS y sobre todo STEAM, Science, Technology, Engieneering, Arts and Maths.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Sobre todo impacta en cada alumno y profesor como facilitador debido al seguimiento de cada tarea de los propios alumnos y a su vez estos tienen un itinerario de progresión continuo acorde a sus necesidades. Ejemplo de Cursos escolares y desafíos temáticos.
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Vânia Maria Da Silva Andrade


Escola Básica e Secundária "Dr. Ferreira da Silva", Portugal

Used ubbu occasionally for 5+ years

Mar 2025

Interdisciplinarity, new skills and problem solving

Vânia Maria Da Silva Andrade found ubbu:
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Code, problem solving
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    New skills
  • Moderately improves attainment
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Lúcia M N Azevedo


Escola Francisco Ferreira Drummond, Portugal

Used ubbu daily for 3-4 years

Feb 2025

ubbu is not just another digital platform for student learning; ubbu manages to articulate the contents of the subject areas with a methodology in its approach that meets the tastes of the students. At ubbu I've worked with students from 6 to 10 years old, with students with learning and behavioural difficulties, and I haven't had a single student who didn't like working at ubbu. ubbu's approach to the curriculum is innovative and engages students in formal learning.

Lúcia M N Azevedo found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    The contents covered by ubbu are those that form part of the Portuguese curriculum, as well as delving into other global issues (the functioning of satellites, for example).
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    As a teacher, ubbu's contribution was mainly in the area of computational thinking and programming.
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Through ubbu, students develop the skills needed for other curricular areas, such as attention, concentration, problem-solving based on decomposition, etc. and they carry out the activities with great enthusiasm, even those with learning difficulties. I observed several students with learning difficulties carrying out the tasks with the same ease as their peers, once the instructions had been read out to them.
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Artur Carvalho


Escola Secundária de Odivelas, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Feb 2025

A UBBU pode ser um ótimo complemento às atividades curriculares de forma prática e interativa. Os alunos aprendem conceitos de Matemática, Ciências, Português, História e Artes através da programação, o que torna a aprendizagem mais dinâmica e envolvente.

Artur Carvalho found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Desenvolvimento do Pensamento computacional; capacidade de decompor problemas e partes menores e resolvê-los testando soluções; uso da lógica, padrões numéricos e operações básicas.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    A plataforma oferece recursos e conteúdos alinhados com o currículo escolar, facilitando a integração das atividades nas aulas sem necessidade de experiência prévia em programação por parte dos professores.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    A UBBU reforça os conteúdos matemáticos através de desafios que envolvem lógica, padrões e operações numéricas, desenvolvendo exercícios que envolvem contagens, soma, subtração, multiplicação e divisão em comandos de programação; atividades que ensinam a movimentação de personagens em planos cartesianos; introdução ao pensamento algorítmico usando repetições e loops. Exemplo prático: Um desafio onde os alunos programam um robô para percorrer um percurso específico, exigindo cálculos de distâncias e direções. A programação na UBBU ajuda na leitura, interpretação de textos e compreensão de instruções, melhorando o desempenho na disciplina. Os alunos precisam compreender as instruções para criar soluções; alguns desafios utilizam histórias interativas, reforçando a leitura e a escrita; o raciocínio lógico melhora a capacidade de construir frases e argumentar. Exemplo prático: Resolver um enigma baseado numa história, onde os alunos precisam seguir pistas textuais para programar a resposta correta.
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Lívia Patrícia Rodrigues Lourenço


Agrupamento de Escolas Amadora Oeste, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Feb 2025

My experience with UBBU has been very positive and transformative. It has made the programme more accessible and engaging for the little ones. As a Mathematics teacher, I see every day the impact this platform has on my students, helping them to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration skills. I highly recommend UBBU to anyone looking for innovative strategies that promote digital literacy and enhance educational success.

Lívia Patrícia Rodrigues Lourenço found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Easy to follow instructions, problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    It generates insights and more strategies for linking disciplines.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Easy to find a resolution strategy.
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Sérgio Vicente


Portugal, Portugal

Used ubbu - Code To Create weekly for 3-4 years

Feb 2025

As I mentioned before, I tried several platforms and UBBU was the one that presented the most balanced solution for the development of language and computational thinking in younger children. Both the way the activities are presented and the step-by-step process of their development are very appealing and so far I have not found a better solution. Thank you!

Sérgio Vicente found ubbu - Code To Create:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Computational thinking Peer support Respect for nature/environment Step-by-step programming ...
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    In my case, it was very significant, because although I already liked "Digital", my background is in Music. I had contact with several similar platforms such as Scratch,..., but UBBU was the one I found most suitable for a first approach to the world of programming, both in terms of support for the teacher with all the resources and lesson planning, support from UBBU Portugal, as well as the step-by-step teaching that is extremely useful, facilitating the introduction of the entire programming language to younger children.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    The children are always very motivated to see the lessons unfold and the "presenting the lesson" function is also an added value, creating a moment of true learning with the presentation of various problem-solving strategies and positive dialogues.
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Evarista Maria Alves Oliveira


Agrupamento de escolas de Prado, Portugal

Used ubbu - Code To Create weekly for 1-2 years

Jan 2025

A Ubbu apresenta os currículos organizados. O professor não precisa explicar muito, porque a plataforma dá dicas. É possível optar pelo modo de professor (os alunos acompanham no ecrã do professor, projetado por exemplo e não conseguem avançar) ou aluno. Na Ubbu, os professores são apenas orientadores e controladores do processo. A plataforma permite a monitorização dos resultados por turma e por aluno. Para além das aulas há a parte dos projetos em que são explorados temas como o Natal, Carnaval, a Páscoa, etc. Podem ser criados novos projetos de turma.

Reply from ubbu:Muito obrigado pelas palavras professora Evarista. Ficamos muito felizes pelo impacto que estamos a ter. Vamos continuar a trabalhar para melhorarmos ainda mais a experiência.
Evarista Maria Alves Oliveira found ubbu - Code To Create:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    As crianças que aprendem a “programar” melhoram a aquisição de habilidades porque o ato de codificar requer uma lógica e raciocínio que se baseia em sequência e estrutura.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    A metodologia STEAM concorre para melhorar a qualidade do sucesso educativo através de práticas pedagógicas inovadoras e metodologias ativas. Este processo desenvolve-se num ambiente de diálogo que enriquece os envolvidos.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Melhora o raciocínio, o trabalho colaborativo, o foco/atenção, a cidadania, a linguagem, etc.
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Magda Gonçalves


Agrupamento de Escolas Frei Heitor Pinto, Portugal

Used ubbu - Code To Create occasionally for 5+ years

Jan 2025

Uso todos os anos, com as minhas turmas de TIC de 5 ano e os alunos adoram. Após o fim das aulas, pedem sempre para deixar as aulas abertas, para poderem continuar de forma autónoma, durante as férias. De uma forma lúdica, aprendem conceitos fundamentais relacionados com pensamento computacional e introdução à programação.

Reply from ubbu:Os alunos adoram e nós adoramos estes feedbacks! É sempre bom quando os alunos pedem mais :) É para isso que trabalhamos, tornar a aprendizagem mais divertida e lúdica.
Magda Gonçalves found ubbu - Code To Create:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Os alunos adquirem ou melhoram as competências ao nível da introdução à programação, do raciocínio lógico e abstrato, e na resolução de problemas.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
  • Slightly improves attainment
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Carla Conceição Oliveira Pereira Menino


Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Manuel Laranjeira, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 5+ years

Jan 2025

Reply from ubbu:Obrigado professora Carla :)
Carla Conceição Oliveira Pereira Menino found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
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Carla Conceição Oliveira Pereira Menino


Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Manuel Laranjeira, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 5+ years

Jan 2025

Reply from ubbu:Thank you!
Carla Conceição Oliveira Pereira Menino found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
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Nelson Simões Da Silva


Schools Group of Condeixa-a-Nova, Portugal

Used ubbu daily for 5+ years

Jan 2025

Excelente Plataforma de aprendizagem

Reply from ubbu:Thank you professor Nelson!
Nelson Simões Da Silva found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Com a ubbu os alunos não apenas dominam conceitos de programação, mas também demonstram maior autonomia, capacidade crítica e interesse por STEM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática).
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    O seu sucesso reside na combinação entre tecnologia acessível, conteúdos relevantes e uma metodologia que e uma metodologia que valoriza tanto o aluno quanto o professor.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    um ecossistema educacional que forma cidadãos digitais capazes de pensar criticamente, resolver problemas e contribuir para a sociedade. O seu sucesso reside na combinação entre tecnologia acessível, conteúdos relevantes e uma metodologia que valoriza tanto o aluno quanto o professor.
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Nelson Simões Da Silva


Schools Group of Condeixa-a-Nova, Portugal

Used ubbu daily for 5+ years

Jan 2025

Excelente Plataforma de aprendizagem

Reply from ubbu:Obrigado professor Nelson
Nelson Simões Da Silva found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Com a ubbu os alunos não apenas dominam conceitos de programação, mas também demonstram maior autonomia, capacidade crítica e interesse por STEM (Ciência, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática).
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    O seu sucesso reside na combinação entre tecnologia acessível, conteúdos relevantes e uma metodologia que e uma metodologia que valoriza tanto o aluno quanto o professor.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    um ecossistema educacional que forma cidadãos digitais capazes de pensar criticamente, resolver problemas e contribuir para a sociedade. O seu sucesso reside na combinação entre tecnologia acessível, conteúdos relevantes e uma metodologia que valoriza tanto o aluno quanto o professor.
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Mafalda De Jesus Pitaça Luna


Escola Básica Alberto Valente, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Jan 2025

I have already told to my colleagues about the benefits of UBBU to the children.

Reply from ubbu:We really appreciate you are spreading the word about us. Now we will work hard to get that half star. Thank you Mafalda
Mafalda De Jesus Pitaça Luna found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Moderately improves attainment
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Mafalda De Jesus Pitaça Luna


Escola Básica Alberto Valente, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Jan 2025

I have already told to my colleagues about the benefits of UBBU to the children.

Reply from ubbu:We really appreciate you are spreading the word about us. Now we will work hard to get that half star. Thank you Mafalda
Mafalda De Jesus Pitaça Luna found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Moderately improves attainment
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Maria José Quintas Cortinhas


Agrupamento de Escolas Conde de Oeiras, Portugal

Used ubbu month for 1-2 years

Jan 2025

depends on the work group and each student

Reply from ubbu:We really appreciate your feedback. We are cooking to make more inclusive to everyone.
Maria José Quintas Cortinhas found ubbu:
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    Solving everyday problems, left/right directions, ...
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    improvement in digital capacity
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António Chaves


Agrupamento de Escolas Alberto Sampaio, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 4-6 months

Jan 2025

Um recurso muito completo e com uma vertente transversal muito bem conseguida. Potencia ligação entre os diferentes conteúdos de uma forma muito pragmática e motivadora.

Reply from ubbu:Obrigado professor António!
António Chaves found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Com a programação dos robôs, os alunos melhoraram os níveis de atenção e concentração nas tarefas escolares...
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    O desenvolvimento de metodologias de ensino, onde a tipologia dos exercícios de programação da ubbu permitem uma abordagem do currículo de forma transversal...
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Programação de robôs para apanhar alimentos saudáveis, permitindo abordar diferentes temática s e projetos....
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Cristina Pinto De Almeida Mota


Escola Básica de Francelos, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Jan 2025

Reply from ubbu:Thank you Cristina, we are working hard to receive 5 stars next time!
Cristina Pinto De Almeida Mota found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Melhoria da leitura, raciocínio matemático e pensamento computacional
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Melhora a capacidade tecnológica
  • Slightly improves attainment
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Cristina Pinto De Almeida Mota


Escola Básica de Francelos, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Jan 2025

Reply from ubbu:Thank you Cristina, we are working hard to receive 5 stars next time!
Cristina Pinto De Almeida Mota found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Melhoria da leitura, raciocínio matemático e pensamento computacional
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Melhora a capacidade tecnológica
  • Slightly improves attainment
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Maria Do Carmo Gomes


Agrupamento de Escolas de Arouca, Portugal

Used ubbu occasionally for 5+ years

Jan 2025

É uma plataforma de fácil utilização, intuitiva quer para o professor quer para o aluno. Facilita a planificação na área das TIC.

Reply from ubbu:Obrigado professora Maria, estamos aqui para facilitar a vida dos professores :)
Maria Do Carmo Gomes found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Desenvolvimento do pensamento computacional
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Aprender e ensinar nas área das TIC.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Preparação, planificação e ensino das novas tecnologias na Educação.
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Ana Margarida Silva Tirapicos


EB Galopim de Carvalho, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 4-6 months

Jan 2025

It is very gratifying to see a whole class working calmly and dynamically on a digital platform.

Reply from ubbu:And it's very gratifying to receive these reviews, thank you Ana!
Ana Margarida Silva Tirapicos found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Allows students to develop their thinking while developing digital skills.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    facilitates and allows good pedagogical practices.
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Students invest in their learning, self-regulation and colaboration with their peers.
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Ana Margarida Silva Tirapicos


EB Galopim de Carvalho, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 4-6 months

Jan 2025

It is very gratifying to see a whole class working calmly and dynamically on a digital platform.

Reply from ubbu:And it's very gratifying to receive these reviews, thank you Ana!
Ana Margarida Silva Tirapicos found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Allows students to develop their thinking while developing digital skills.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    facilitates and allows good pedagogical practices.
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Students invest in their learning, self-regulation and colaboration with their peers.
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Ausenda Silva


Portugal, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 5+ years

Jan 2025

To me ubbu is a great tool! It is abble to work any subject at school to know more about programing and computers.

Reply from ubbu:Thank you Ausenda!
Ausenda Silva found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    The students play and learn how programing is.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Ubbu challenges the teacher to kearn more about computers and how to explain it to the students.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    By working with ubbu tge stydents are challendge to do mire and better.
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Ausenda Silva


Portugal, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 5+ years

Jan 2025

To me ubbu is a great tool! It is abble to work any subject at school to know more about programing and computers.

Reply from ubbu:Thank you Ausenda!
Ausenda Silva found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    The students play and learn how programing is.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Ubbu challenges the teacher to kearn more about computers and how to explain it to the students.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    By working with ubbu tge stydents are challendge to do mire and better.
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Rita Ferreira


Escola Básica 2/3 de Loureiro, Portugal

Used ubbu weekly for 3-4 years

Jan 2025

It is motivating for students. Allows learning at each student’s pace. It' fun.

Reply from ubbu:Thank you Rita! We are on a mission to make learning more fun
Rita Ferreira found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Some students with difficulties overcome barriers to learning with ubbu.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Computational thinking is a new topic in classes and ubbu has very well structured and planned classes. So this helps my work.
  • Significantly improves attainment
    Yes, it trains reasoning and problem solving skills.
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Carla Manuela Nunes


Escola Básica de Afonso de Paiva, Portugal

Used ubbu month for 5+ years

Jan 2025

A ubbu promove a criatividade e desenvolve uma maior consciência nos alunos acerca do futuro. A ubbu não é apenas uma ferramenta de aprendizagem de programação, mas um portal para o futuro, educando as crianças não apenas sobre programação, mas também a serem pensadores críticos, cidadãos globais e criadores interessados.

Reply from ubbu:Obrigado professora Carla, ficamos muito felizes por receber estes feedbacks. É para isto que trabalhamos.
Carla Manuela Nunes found ubbu:
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Desenvolvimento de conceitos matemáticos (raciocínio e pensamento computacional) e de competências digitais.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Alargamento de competências
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Pela observação direta de concretização das tarefas pelos alunos
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#1 in Computing
Last updated 17th March 2025
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