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What is TimeTabler?

TimeTabler was the first timetabling program to run on a microcomputer; and has been in continuous development for 40 years, to face the changing challenges of creating a quality school timetable.

Our Team are widely acknowledged as the UK experts on timetabling and we wrote the timetabling "bible" :  'Timetabling- A Timetabler's Cookbook(ISBN 978-09561161-0-9)  which is used by thousands of timetablers around the world.

We’re proud to say that we have more experience of timetabling than anyone else in the UK.

TimeTabler has been in continuous development for over 40 years, responding to changing curricular demands.  The way we do this is by encouraging our Users to add their suggestions to our Wish List.

TimeTabler has been bought by over a thousand schools in the UK and in 90 countries across the world. The fact that we are Teachers & Timetablers as well as Programmers means that we provide software that schools want and need.

Our active and daily involvement in timetabling means that TimeTabler remains a state-of-the-art solution to any timetabling problem you may face. We are fortunate in that as well as our own Team, we have a range of Associates who can offer superb support not only for our software, but for all aspects of timetabling from an introduction to using TimeTabler through to workshops, webinars, and even writing your timetable for you.

Educational Impact

improve school processes
provide school data
save school money
CompanyBusiness Name: October ReSolutions Limited
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 1978
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18, 19+
FeaturesTraining & CoursesInset, Training & PrinciplesHelp At 5 LevelsEase Of UseClear, Friendly Screens, Intuitive ActionsA Qickstart GuideSchedulingPrinting & Exporting
AccessibilityRobust features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - Linux

It runs on a PC or laptop with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10, etc.  It does not need any special cards or additions.

Apple-Mac users can run it (and quickly) under Parallels or Fusion or Crossover or VirtualBox;  Linux users similarly.

The licence allows you to install it on as many machines as you wish, at home & at school, as
long as they are only for the purposes of your school or college.

Set Up

Timetabler can be installed in  just a couple of minutes.

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineDocumentationVideos

The free tutorial includes: the TimeTabler program  (it’s a fully-working version except that you can’t change the teachers’ names), with demonstration data already loaded, to save you time, and  a 24-page A4 booklet, which takes you step-by-step through the main features of the program.

If you are new to timetabling, the booklet also gives you an introduction to timetabling principles. It takes about 1¼ – 1½ hours to work through the Tutorial, during which time you’ll schedule at least one timetable.

Just download it by requesting it from the download page. You need the software and the PDF to print out the step-by-step Booklet. Or (more slowly) we can send it to you on CD by post.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support24/7 Live Rep

Creating a timetable is a complicated task. For that reason, we don’t simply sell you our software and then walk away and leave you to it.  Instead, we offer you a huge range of support, in various formats and at various levels depending on your needs and experience.

Some of our schools make extensive use of our support.  Some don’t use it at all.  But it’s good to know it’s there, for whenever you need some help with your timetable, student options, etc.

The free Tutorial with the step-by-step Tutorial Booklet, gives you a quick introduction to the general style of the program.

Home Learning

School must create the account.

No home learning/ parent access required.

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TimeTabler Pricing

Pricing Plans

Paid SubscriptionOne-Off Fee

Program prices include a fully-illustrated paper Manual with a Tutorial, a QuickStart Guide, (and for TimeTabler, detailed Worked Examples for 22 common curricular patterns). All the programs include detailed context-sensitive HelpScreens and interactive Help-pictures. Help-Movies (video tutorials) for TimeTabler are provided in the extensive Library.

Payment of the Annual Fee licenses your school or institution to use the TimeTabler software for another year, on any number of machines, at school and at home providing it is for the sole purpose of your school or college, and also gives you access to comprehensive HelpLine Support for that year via the Support Centre, and also includes an Upgrade to new version of TimeTabler.

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TimeTabler Reviews

4.7 out of 5

from 4 Verified Reviews

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User rating



Nick Hyde

Deputy Principal

Used TimeTabler weekly for 1-2 years

Dec 2022

I have experience of two other company's timetabling software - current 'competitors' of Timetabler. There is no comparison, I'm never going back! Timetabler has the balance between sensible automated scheduling where it can save time, with excellent tools for manual scheduling to let your brain do the bit it does far better than a PC - work out the solutions to the unique problems that are an inevitable part of the scheduling process.

Nick Hyde found TimeTabler:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Having an efficient timetable where staff are allocated effectively to utilise their whole allocation is essential.
  • Significantly provides school data
    Timetabler exports all of its data in Excel format - whether it's teaching load, or curriculum load, or timetables themselves.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Allocation of staff across multiple subjects, creating a two-week timetable etc.
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Gary Wilkinson


Used TimeTabler weekly for 1-2 years

Dec 2022

I tried to work on a previous timetabling software but failed due to its complexity and non-intuitive nature. Timetabler helped me not only complete the timetable but complete in a record time and with the least amount of split classes and lessons after school ever seen at the school. I wouldn't use any other software.

Gary Wilkinson found TimeTabler:
  • Significantly saves school money
    I can perform staff structure analysis on Timetabler and identify where savings could be made by increasing contact time.
  • Significantly provides school data
    The SLT curriculum team continually ask me questions about the school timetable while our MIS support team are also regularly in touch around their needs and requests. Without Timetabler the school would be lost in terms of data.
  • Significantly improves school processes
    In terms of Timetabling the format and structure of Timetabler greatly assists the timetabling process with its user friendly design and yet powerful software. Whole school processes have speeded up since using Timetabler as the link to the school's MIS system has become more efficient and easy to complete.
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Debbie Hayton


Used TimeTabler daily for 5 years+

Dec 2022

I would not be able to produce such fine timetables without TimeTabler.

Debbie Hayton found TimeTabler:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Lots of examples, including 1. TimeTabler produces efficient timetables that promote effective deployment of staffing. 2. During the year it is easy to make changes to allow the best use of new staff to replace leavers, and supply staff to cover long term absence.
  • Significantly provides school data
    It is easy to extract staffing ratios and economy metrics from TimeTabler to inform the running of the school and future staff deployment needs
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Lots of examples from start to finish. For example, 1. TimeTabler's sister program, TT-Options enables an effective yet economical electives system to be created. 2. The intuitive nature of TimeTabler enables greaat timetables to be written. A good timetable is the bedrock of a school. 3. TimeTabler's export routines allow the timetable to be imported directly into the MIS with the minimum of fuss.
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Assistant principal

Al Yasmina Academy, United Arab Emirates

Used TimeTabler monthly for 3-4 years

Oct 2022

Intuitive and although somewhat rigid it’s help me TT a complicated school

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Last updated 20th March 2025
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