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What is TALAXY?

TALAXY provides a convenient platform for staff to log, manage, and monitor student information, while parents and students can access their individual school profiles. It offers a modular approach, allowing users to choose the desired features, such as attendance tracking, behaviour monitoring, homework management, grading, exams, seating plans, extra classes, detentions, timetabling, communication via text/email, room and resource booking, parents' evening organisation, payments, and more.

TALAXY incorporates various intervention options, including automated notices and push notifications for different behaviours, positive news, and homework assignments. With over 25 years of experience and leveraging our previous products, PARS and INSIGHT, TALAXY is a cloud-based Progressive Web App designed specifically for schools. It caters to individual needs, streamlines processes through automation and saves time.

As a comprehensive solution for educational institutions, TALAXY eliminates the need for multiple costly systems by providing a unified login for all features. Its seamless integration allows for efficient tracking and analysis of data, including graphical representations for key information. Whether analysing data within a single school or across a trust, TALAXY serves as an umbrella solution. For example, it enables the analysis of attendance data for all Year 7 pupils within a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).

Users can access TALAXY with a verified email account, such as Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, or a Management Information System (MIS) ID. The software is cost-effective, user-friendly, intuitive, and secure. It is compatible with any web browser or device and supports multiple MIS, although TALAXY can be used independently as an MIS in its own right for smaller establishments or those with variable timetables, such as a Pupil Referral Units.

TALAXY is a cloud-based solution hosted on secure Amazon Web Servers, ensuring data protection and reliability.

Recommended Usage

Staff access daily and parents and students can access as much as they need to if applicable.

Educational Impact

save school money
improve school processes
reduce teacher workload
improve parent engagement
CompanyBusiness Name: TASC Software
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2019
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18
FeaturesAttendanceCommunicationsStaff CoverDocument ManagerEducation PlansExamsFire And EvacuationFormsGalleriesGcse OptionsGrade ManagementConduct Management HomeworkLearning ExperienceLesson PlansFirst AidNotice BoardParents Evening PaymentsQr Registration RegistersReport CardsRoom And Resource BookingSchool ReportsSeated EventsSeating PlansStudent EventsCpd Training LogsStudent InformationCalendars And Timetables DirectoryReporting Analysis
LanguagesArabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
AccessibilityRobust features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android

As a progressive web app, TALAXY can be accessed on any device with a web browser

Set Up

From date of order; 5 days for TALAXY, Wonde and AWS licence.

Configuration approx 1 day depending on modules used

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos
SupportEmailKnowledge BasePhone Support

Help desk guides including written and video are available via the TALAXY software once logged in

Home LearningParent Access

School must create the account.

In addition to providing login access for parents and pupils, TALAXY offers the option for schools to collaborate with external organisations such as Local Authorities (LAs), Social Services, caregivers, and CAFF (Child and Family Focus) by creating secure logins. These authorised contacts can view specific information determined by the school for the relevant children. For instance, the LA attendance department can log in to view attendance data for Looked After Children (LAC) exclusively. This feature enables quick access to important data and saves time.

The school retains control over the functionality and access levels granted to users through a straightforward permissions management feature. All users are required to undergo verification in TALAXY before being granted login access. This ensures a secure and reliable environment for data access and collaboration.

TagsSchool Management

TALAXY Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free TrialPaid Subscription

TALAXY pricing starts from £950 / year

TALAXY core product is £950 for Primary/Smaller establishments including NVQ centres, PRU etc.

TALAXY core product is £1400 for Secondary/Larger estabilishments

Modules are priced per pupil from 20p

Discounts avaible for Multi school purchases/Trusts/MATS.

Optimised for a quick response
Special OfferFree module!

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TALAXY Reviews

4.9 out of 5

from 3 Verified Reviews

TALAXY has collected 0 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Emma Browne

Assistant Headteacher

Used TALAXY daily for 1-2 years

Oct 2023

Excellent service from support team, developers and the product manager. Open to suggestions and requests to change things. Quick turnaround with any issues.

Emma Browne found TALAXY:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Reduced paperwork Improved effiencies
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Easy detention setting system
  • Moderately improves school processes
    Automated management of late detentions Setting detentions and alerting parents of them very streamlined
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    Parents book Parents Evenings, review progress checks and monitor their child's attendance through the system
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Assistant Headteacher

Eirias High School, Wales

Used TALAXY daily for 3-4 years

Jul 2023

It is a great value for money package which has a multitude of different modules that you can chose from to help make your school more efficient. The fact that the interface is consistent for Staff, Parents and Children alike makes it easier to access and more consistent to use.

Andrew found TALAXY:
  • Significantly saves school money
    We have become a more paperless organisation. Students can access all school information through TALAXY without the need for a physical planner and Parents can receive school documentation direct to their TALAXY portal. It has saved us a significant amount of money over the last 2 - 3 years
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Everything is in one place, Attendance, Behaviours, Seating Plans, grading and pupil information all in one package
  • Significantly improves school processes
    On Call to report missing students, medical incidents. QR Registration for sixth form students leaving school during lunchtimes. Quick analysis of data and ability to create bespoke reports to analyse a range of information. We have also centralised SMS and E-Mail broadcast within TALAXY giving more staff the freedom to contact parents directly.
  • Significantly improves parent engagement
    Online parent's evenings have matched historic in person arrangements. Cashless Canteen module has been of particular benefit to parents to monitor what they child eats. The absence module means parents can report absence without having to ring school. These have all had a positive impact on parental engagement with the school. Parents can also see exactly what achievements and behaviours have been accrued daily.
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Dan Finill

Alternative Provision Lead

Used TALAXY weekly for 4-6 months

Jun 2023

It's fantastic, the bespoke nature is superb and will be an absolute game changer in what we do

Dan Finill found TALAXY:
  • Significantly saves school money
    Streamline resources and saves time
  • Significantly provides school data
    Attendance data, quick and easy thus saving time
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency
    Haven't used this for teaching purposes yet
  • Significantly improves school processes
    Will save a significant amount of time plus ensure information is in a single place
  • Slightly improves parent engagement
    Have not used for parent engagement and no plans to at this stage
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