What is Striver?
Striver has been created with a sole purpose: To improve primary aged pupils’ (5-11) long-term physical and mental wellbeing. We do that by ensuring children of all abilities feel motivated and engaged, and teachers of all experience levels feel confident and in control. It is the only PE scheme of work that includes health and wellbeing lessons. Over 250 PE lessons, supported by 6 wellbeing units, all housed in a web-platform that minimises the time required for admin, without cutting any corners.
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Educational Impact
The EdTech Impact Awards are based on independent, verified customer feedback, and recognise the top 10 solutions across each of our 13 impact metrics.
Top Student Wellbeing Tool
Top Teacher Workload-reducing Tool
Top Teacher Knowledge Tool
Company | Business Name: 2Simple HQ Location: United Kingdom Founded: 2019 |
Age Range | 0-4, 5-7, 8-10 |
Features | A Whole School (y1-6) Scheme Of Work For Pe.400+ Pe Lessons6 Wellbeing UnitsSimple One-touch Assessment‘personal Best Activities’Knowledge OrganisersProgression On Skills Document |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Moderate features |
Policies | Terms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR |
Requirements | Available Offline Internet enabled device needed. Content can be downloaded and made available offline. |
Set Up | Quick and Easy |
Training | WebinarsDocumentationVideos |
Support | EmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge BasePhone Support |
Tags | Striver |
Striver PricingPricing Plans Free Trial Paid Subscription Striver pricing starts from £350 / year Striver costs £350+VAT per annum for a whole school licence. |
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Striver Reviews
from 21 Verified Reviews
User rating
Nov 2024
Ruth found Striver:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload
- Slightly provides school data
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“New ideas and ways to teach areas of learning”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Moderately builds student knowledge
Nov 2024
If a setting requires a good base for planning then Striver provides this.
Geoff Headley found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Colleagues can access resources from one location.”
- Does not significantly provide school data“Lesson objectives are aligned with our tracking system.”
- Does not significantly improve teacher knowledge
- Does not significantly improve behaviour or wellbeing
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Quality of activities within Striver lessons.”
Nov 2024
Easy to understand plans, assessment tool
John Rutter found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Less planning and assessing”
- Moderately provides school data“Assessment”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“children on task”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Class based lessons”
Nov 2024
Easy to use, well structured lesson plans, range of different sports, includes wellbeing
Sophie Studholme found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Reduced planning for lessons”
- Moderately provides school data“Success criteria for lessons and skills children should be able to do by the end of each sport or year group”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“wide range of sports, key skills required for each sport”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“engaging lessons”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“understand key skills and how to perform them, can apply them to game situations”
Nov 2024
overall happy with Striver and the units, for dance units, music links/video links need to be provided as a sensory input, for some games pictures with actual people would be more helpful compared to the graphics shown, some descriptions of gestures or steps can be confusing
Cathleen Franke found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“baseline activities as well as key vocabulary are provided, progression of skills and tasks during the lesson, images provided for different skills and activities”
- Significantly provides school data“progression visible during the year, e.g. throwing in different game types, physical movement in different dance and gymnastics units”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“key vocabulary is provided as well as structured lessons for each unit which build upon each other and lay a foundation for the following lesson”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“children are ready to try out new skills, e.g. boys can express themselves in dance, girls can show their competitiveness in team games, children's learning progresses and they can see that they are overcoming challenges step by step”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“focus on key vocabulary and key skills, recap on previous learning in the follow-up lesson, enjoying learning through manageable challenges”
Nov 2024
Sarah Knaggs found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Lesson planning”
- Slightly provides school data
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Correct PE language to engage with student”
Nov 2024
Really user friendly, love the plans
Vicky Dilling found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Easy plans to follow list of all resources needed too”
- Significantly provides school data
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“The assessment section helps me to understand where the children should be.”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“Engaging lessons that children enjoy”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Great progress especially with vocab in gymnastics”
Nov 2024
The dance modules I feel need development. The year 4 units are a little basic for the ability of the pupils. My classes have been able to choreograph their own dance routines based on pieces of music independently. The jive unit is good, but the lack of video resources and music resources to support the teaching of this increases the planning time for staff as they have to search online for relevant music and videos.
Lisbeth found Striver:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Reduces amount of time required to research different team games.”
- Slightly provides school data
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge“Development of knowledge of team games.”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Pupils progressed from being unable to play basketball to competing in small teams and demonstrating all the skills used.”
Nov 2024
Great product to support planning, teaching and assessment.
Stuart Fryd found Striver:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Speeds up planning, and allows for built in adaptation.”
- Moderately provides school data“Helps support teachers make accurate assessments.”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“Allows teachers to focus on relevant skills.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Not sure it does...”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Helps children know what skills and knowledge they are working on.”
Nov 2024
Good progressive information
Kaitlyn Jeffries found Striver:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Using it to structure PE lessons / Progressively structured whole school sports”
- Slightly provides school data
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“How sports are played”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“More structured lessons”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“How to play sports, then apply it to break and lunch times”
Helen Stockwell
Family Support/PE Lead
Used Striver daily for 3-4 years
Nov 2024
Striver is good but when children move through school they sometimes come up as already completing that activity. I feel there could be more choice for when it comes to game so introduce, bench ball, mat ball. Also a lot more fun games for early years. Also when it comes to the assessment there needs to be a tab for if children are poorly then we can evidence this with our attendance register. I also feel some of the warm ups and cool downs could be more simple so teachers are able to fit the full lesson in.
Helen Stockwell found Striver:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Not having to plan PE lessons”
- Moderately provides school data“Shows children attainment levels”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Moderately builds student knowledge“All depends on the activity”
Nov 2024
john morgan found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Moderately provides school data
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Significantly builds student knowledge
Nov 2024
Love how units of work are revisited in multiple year groups providing opportunities for skills to be built upon.
Rebekah Johnson found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Does not significantly provide school data
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Moderately builds student knowledge
Nov 2024
There are elements of the scheme of learning that go beyond the national curriculum expectations (gymnastics) and this can be quite challenging for staff to deliver. The scheme on the whole is well structured and easy to follow with clear step by step instructions for staff as well as guidance on how to support and challenge pupils learning. The key questions give staff guidance on how to deepen children's thinking and the opportunity to apply new skills in each lesson shows that children are embedding their learning.
Sarah Tyson found Striver:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Gives ideas for how to deliver skills and allows the teacher to adapt the learning to meet the needs of the children. It provides resources and ideas to support and challenge”
- Slightly provides school data“We haven't implemented the assessment part of the scheme yet”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“We introduced this to support non-specialist teachers to deliver high quality lessons and use activities appropriate to deliver specific skills”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“The lessons are engaging and well structured so children are focused for larger parts of thier learning. There are opportunities to challenge and support learning within each skill and opportunities to apply what they have learnt which leads to better learning behaviours.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children are more aware of thier prior learning and how the skills are put together to build into game situations. The children use and share vocabulary appropriate to thier learning and are able to support each other to improve”
Nov 2024
Happy to pick up and go when teaching PE
Natalie found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Lesson planning and progression”
- Significantly provides school data“Sharing areas of need where some children aren't achieving”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“simple lesson plans”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
- Moderately builds student knowledge
Nov 2024
Very thorough
Mikel found Striver:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“plan is too wordy”
- Slightly provides school data
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“increase subject knowledge”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Controlled behaviour”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“turning”
Claire fisher
Assistant head of site
Used Striver weekly for 0–3 months
Nov 2024
Very early in our journey would review later in the year
Claire fisher found Striver:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No longer having to plan units or weekly lessons”
- Significantly provides school data“Provides information on levels of progress”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Explains how to do drills and rules of games”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“Children are engaged and behaviour is positive when lessons are well structured”
- Slightly builds student knowledge
Sep 2020
Striver is brilliant as it allows teachers to get on with the lesson and to not worry about preparation. It takes away that stress, puts more knowledge and fun into the p.e lessons and the children start to understand more as it is effective in many ways
E Allen found Striver:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“To read and understand to set up drills themselves more independence”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“breathing techniques and to understand the importance of being calm to succeed”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“it helps when they have time to understand. preparation is already done which helps”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“they understand the fundamental skills and the children are learning more”
- Significantly provides school data“collating it is a lot easier because it has it all saved”
Jul 2020
Excellent website and app which is easy to navigate and use. Superb content for all year groups.
Scott Buckland found Striver:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Clear progress and assessment”
- Does not improve behaviour or wellbeing
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Effective planning and ease of assessment”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Shows progression activities for each age range and most tasks”
- Significantly provides school data“Assessment”
Jul 2020
We have found Striver to be an excellent resource for our PE curriculum and will be using it across the school next year. The people at Striver are very helpful and are always on hand should any problems occur. Can't wait to get it all started for real next academic year
George Light found Striver:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children have been identifying skills required for each sport much more frequently”
- Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing“We have used the wellbeing resources such as yoga and diet & nutrition with our children”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Plans are really easy to follow, assessment tool is quick and easy and the website is easy for everyone to follow and use”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“Plans are simple yet detailed enough that teachers who may not necessarily have PE as their strength can still follow and identify which skills will be taught”
- Moderately provides school data“You can identify trends with pupils such as non-attendance on PE days or which children have shown resilience”
Nov 2019
Lots of thought has gone into the development of Striver and they continue to develop and improve
David Morley found Striver:
- Significantly improves attainment“Very easy for our staff to use. Saves significant time hunting for resources”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Progression steps in lessons are very clear giving all children the chance to progress”
- Significantly saves school money“Everything is in one place. Don't have to buy several products”