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Sisra Analytics

Sisra Analytics


Sisra Analytics

Optimised for a quick response

What is Sisra Analytics?

Make time-consuming data analysis a thing of the past with the most flexible data analysis solution for schools. With Sisra Analytics, you can both simplify data management across Key Stages 3, 4 and 5, and make it accessible at any time to all of your staff. Leave the sharing of printed documents behind and make intuitive, easy-to-read reports available in just a few clicks from any internet-connected device.

✅ - Access SPI and data from 6000+ schools for early estimates weeks before official results.

✅ - Combine pastoral, academic, and Attitude to Learning data for a full view of progress.

✅ - All reports are customisable and align with the latest DfE updates.

✅ - 1800+ secondary schools are already excelling with Sisra Analytics.

Analysis made simple

No more keeping up with updating formulae, navigating spreadsheets or dealing with DfE changes. All the analysis is done for you, and the insights are put at the fingertips of those who need them.

Bespoke grading

A fully flexible system allows you to apply whichever type of grades you use: 9-1, Mastery, percentages, sub-grades or something entirely different.

The full picture

Our customisable Attitude to Learning (AtL) function enables in-depth analysis of pastoral and grade data together, allowing you to get a better view of student progress beyond their test results..

The inside track on data

The Data Collaboration functionality compares your performance with over 1,400 other schools, weeks or months ahead of official figures.

See where you stand against anonymised, GDPR-compliant data from over 225,000 students.

Even though exams (and DfE performance tables) were cancelled in 2021, schools were still able to compare their results against the large number of other Sisra Analytics schools across the country and had a modelled Progress 8 figure using Attainment 8 estimates created from Scaled Scores rather than National Curriculum levels. Schools are now able to use either official 2019 Attainment 8 estimates or the 2021 Data Collaboration Attainment 8 estimates within their current years 9, 10 or 11 cohorts.

Chart progress with ease

Unique to Sisra Analytics, Subject Progress Index (SPI) compares performance directly against all students with the same KS2 starting point on a subject-by-subject basis, split by GCSE and Vocational to reflect the differing outcomes – think Subject Progress 8 but better!

KS4 MAT Reporting With The Juniper Insights Dashboard

MAT-level Key Stage 4 attainment and progress intelligence is now available with the Juniper insights dashboard.

Simplify and standardise the collection and reporting of assessment data across your Trust. Then compare and collaborate to share best practices and empower improvement.

Book a free demo with a Juniper Education expert to discover the potential of Sisra Analytics for your school.

Educational Impact

improve attainment
reduce attainment gap
reduce teacher workload
improve teaching efficiency
improve teacher knowledge

Additional evidence

May 2024

Nishkam School West London: Charting an Outstanding Path with Sisra Analytics

Apr 2024

A Beacon of Educational Innovation with Sisra Analytics and Sisra Observe

Feb 2024

Selby High School Specialist School for the Arts and Science

Oct 2023

South Bromsgrove High School: Utilising Data Analytics for Enhanced Educational Outcomes

Jun 2023

Success Story: The Sittingbourne School Elevates Assessment and Progress Tracking with Sisra Analytics

May 2023

All Hallows Catholic High School: Harnessing the Power of Sisra Analytics

CompanyBusiness Name: Juniper Education
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 1992
Age Range11-13, 14-16, 17-18, 19+
FeaturesCompatabilitySupportSecurityDfe UpdatesAccessibilityInteractivitySubject Progress IndexMat DashboardBig Data Set
AccessibilityRobust features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsAvailable OfflineInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android
Set Up

The initial setup time is 2-3 hours*, which includes setting up one cohort within this period.

TrainingIn PersonLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos
SupportEmailFAQs/ForumKnowledge Base

Live chat support is also available.

Home Learning

Teacher must create the account.

TagsAnalyticsDataProgressTrackingMonitorProgress 8GCSEsALevels

Sisra Analytics Pricing

Pricing Plans

Paid Subscription

Optimised for a quick response
Special OfferKS4 and KS5 dashboard discount for MATs

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Sisra Analytics Reviews

4.7 out of 5

from 3 Verified Reviews

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User rating



Sisra Analytics

Data manager

Used Sisra Analytics weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2023

Great product! Easily accessible cloud based and once set up easy to maintain.

Reply from Sisra Analytics:Hi Stuart, Thank you so much for your kind review of Sisra Analytics. Juniper is incredibly proud to have served Tendring Technology College for over 1-2 years and looks forward to continuing to support you.
Stuart found Sisra Analytics:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Easy access as product is cloud based
  • Moderately reduces attainment gap
    Easy access to data and identifying interventions allows staff to target accordingly
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    Easily accessible data saving teachers time
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Access to data directly helps enhance teacher knowledge
  • Moderately improves attainment
    Easily allows staff to identify groups to target direct interventions
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Sisra Analytics

Deputy Head

Tendring Technology College, England

Used Sisra Analytics weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2023

very easy to use and very detailed

Reply from Sisra Analytics:Hi Gavin, Thank you so much for your kind review of Sisra Analytics. Juniper is incredibly proud to have served Tendring Technology College for over 1-2 years and looks forward to continuing to support you.
Gavin found Sisra Analytics:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    ease of access as cloud based
  • Significantly reduces attainment gap
    very easy to find where the different key groups are performing to identify interventions
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency
    focus on key pupils easily
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves attainment
    focus on key groups and identify interventions
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Sisra Analytics
Samantha Gray

Trust Data Manager

Greenwood Academies Trust, England

Used Sisra Analytics weekly for 5 years+

Oct 2023

SISRA is invaluable in providing insights into pupil performance at both academy and Trust level. The collaboration exam data and SPI figures make SISRA a must for any data leader and is unrivalled in these aspects.

Reply from Sisra Analytics:Hi Samantha, Thank you so much for your kind review of Sisra Analytics. Juniper is incredibly proud to have served Greenwood Academies Trust for over five years and looks forward to continuing to support you to the highest standards for the next five years.
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Last updated 17th March 2025
Sisra Analytics
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