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Secondary Language Link

Secondary Language Link


Secondary Language Link

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What is Secondary Language Link?

Secondary Language Link is an innovative, standardised assessment and intervention package used by school staff to identify and support students with language and communication needs. It suitable for students aged 11 -14 years, including leaners new to English.

The standardised online assessment is used to universally screen students at transition with additional tracking of any young person where intervention was recommended.

Secondary Language Link promotes universal and targeted support. Our unique Communication Contracts enable students to take responsibility for their own learning, promoting self-advocacy and independence. Students and subject teachers use the identified strategies from the contract during whole class teaching.

Our targeted and resourced immersive groups utilise a video-based format which includes instruction from speech and language therapists making delivery easy, even for inexperienced staff members.

Educational Impact

improve teacher knowledge
improve teaching efficiency
CompanyBusiness Name: Speech Link Multimedia Ltd.
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2012
Age Range11-13
FeaturesIdentifies Language Needs, Administer Assesments, Provides Intervention, Staff TrainingIdentifies Language DifficultiesAdminter AssessmentsSmall Group InterventionsStaff TrainingStandardised Assessments
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - Linux

A computer and wired internet access and good quality head phones.

Set Up

10 minutes


Our SLCN Toolkit is a teacher training resource which examines key aspects of teaching that will support the learning and achievement of students with SLCN and those new to English. Suitable for all subject teachers, it promotes inclusion across the curriculum and can be added to staff CPD programmes.

Delivered in two modules the toolkit promotes the understanding of SLCN and empowers teachers to make effective adjustments to promote inclusive, communication-friendly classrooms.

We also include a series of accessible user guides, to walk your staff through every aspect of using the package from set up to administering the assessment and running interventions, as well as interpreting reports and measuring progress. There are lots of on page how to guides and our friendly Help Desk team are only a phone call or email way.

Our speech and language therapy team deliver regular webinar overviews offering staff the chance to ask our experts questions. They are also available for unlimited support throughout your subscription via our Speech & Language Link Help Desk.

SupportEmailKnowledge BasePhone Support
Home Learning

The package includes a range of parent handouts including:

-Explaining Secondary Language Link screening results

-Strategies and ideas for helping students to devlop independence skills

-Strategies for supporting the development of complex vocabulary

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Secondary Language Link Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free TrialPaid Subscription

Secondary Language Link pricing starts from £310 / year

Secondary Language Link pricing is an annual subscription based on the size of your intake year.

Contact our friendly Help Desk who will be happy to give you a quote for your school: helpdesk@speechlink.co.uk

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Secondary Language Link Reviews

4.4 out of 5

from 4 Verified Reviews

Secondary Language Link has collected 0 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Secondary Language Link
Catriona Taylor

Teaching Assistant for Speech and Language

Olchfa School, Wales

Used Secondary Language Link daily for 4-6 months

Feb 2022

I am mid-way through delivering each of the Intervention programmes to different groups of pupils. I do like what I see so far - the different ways a pupil's progress is monitored and that ultimately the intervention programme aims to empower the pupil to know what they find difficult, what works to reduce the impact of the difficulty and that this information will be shared with all staff who work with the pupil and embedded in a pupil's school Provision Map.

Catriona Taylor found Secondary Language Link :
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency
    None yet
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Selecting words carefully to reduce ambiguity for a pupil; knowing there is a hierarchy of language questions and being able to adapt question difficulty according to the needs of a pupil.
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Secondary Language Link
Teresa Wright

Literacy support teacher and access arrangements officer

Used Secondary Language Link for 8months

Apr 2020

Fantastic program helps pupils build confidence and can make the relationship between teacher and pupil better as both have an understanding of each other

Teresa Wright found Secondary Language Link:
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    understanding how to break tasks down so students gain understanding quicker. The importance of pre-teaching key words
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Secondary Language Link
Claire Croud

English Teacher

Used Secondary Language Link for 2 months

Apr 2020

Claire Croud found Secondary Language Link:
  • Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills
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Secondary Language Link


Used Secondary Language Link for 12 months

Apr 2020

I’m very impressed by the screener and the information it provides. Because of its format, I trust that pupils do it properly. The intervention materials are very comprehensive.

SarH found Secondary Language Link:
  • Slightly improves teaching efficiency and productivity
    Unfortunately we haven’t rolled it out across school but I think it could impact teaching if done properly.
  • Slightly improves teacher knowledge and skills
    It could. It hasn’t become part of teacher CPD yet.
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Last updated 20th March 2025
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Secondary Language Link
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