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What is OpExams?

If you're a teacher, you know how much time and effort goes into creating and grading exams. With OpExams, we make it easy to prepare, administer and grade, both your paper and online exams.

But OpExams is not just about making your life easier, it also provides you with valuable insights on your students' performance. Our platform allows you to track student progress, identify areas of strength and weakness, and monitor the effectiveness of your teaching methods. With this information, you can make informed decisions on how to improve student performance and drive success for your institute.

With our user-friendly interface and powerful features, you can streamline your exam process and focus on what matters most: helping your students succeed. I encourage everyone to give OpExams a try and please don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help!


Design your exams by creating new questions, adding questions from the question bank, or importing them from PDF files. Each question can be linked to a specific learning outcome for better reports after the exam.

Question bank: Save your questions in the question bank to reuse and improve on them in your future exams.

Rich question types: Multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blank, phrase sorting, short answer, essay, screen recording, video recording, voice recording, upload file, and more.

Learning outcomes: Link your questions to specific learning outcomes to better understand your students' performance.

Equation writer: Writing equations is hard? With our equation writer, you can convert your handwriting to LaTeX equations.

Exam design insights: Find out which topics you missed in your questions so you can cover them in the next exams.

Print: You don't need to spend hours on formatting your exams using Microsoft Word anymore. With OpExams, you can customize the exam papers to match your needs and print them with a few clicks


Keep the students engaged and motivated with interactive quizzes.

Quiz auto generator: Generate quizzes automatically from your question bank based on difficulty level, number of questions, and topics you want to cover.

Gamified experience: Keep students engaged with our gamified experience. Students can compete with their friends and classmates to get the highest score and win points. With our interactive interfaces, quizzes feel more like playing a game than studying.

Multiple attempts: You can allow your students to take the quiz multiple times and use the best score.

Conduct & Proctor

Don't worry about cheating anymore. Our advanced proctoring tools will help you make sure your exams are secure.

Events tracking: You can track the events that happen during the exam such as opening a new tab, switching to another application, and more.

Live communication: You can communicate with your students during the exam and help them if they have any questions.

Network interruption resilience: Students don't have to worry about their internet connection. They can continue the exam even if they lose their internet connection and the system will automatically save and upload their answers and recordings when they get back online.

Clear instructions: Rules are explained clearly, and students can do a practice exam before the actual exam to avoid any surprises.

Multiple attempts: You can allow your students to take the exam multiple times and use the best score.

Video and screen proctoring: Eliminate cheating in your exams with our proctoring tools. You can monitor your students' screens and videos live and save the recordings for later review.


No need to spend hours grading exams, with our AI powered grading system, you can grade exams in minutes.

Auto grading: Whether they contain short text, matching, fill-in-the-blank, or multiple choice questions, our AI powered auto grading will grade your exams in minutes.

Group similar answers: Don't waste time grading the same answers again and again. The system will group similar answers so you can grade them together.

Rubric based grading: Define the grading criteria for each question and reuse them when grading for a faster more consistent grading.

Fast grading using hotkeys: With the easy-to-use hotkeys, you can grade answers in seconds.

Anonymous grading: You can eliminate biases during grading by enabling the anonymous grading mode. The system will not show the names of the students.

Feedback for students: When grading using rubrics, you can share them with students so they can understand where the mistakes are and how to improve. In addition to that, you can always leave a customized feedback for each student.


Get the reports you need to evaluate the performance of your students and institute and to understand how to improve it.

Student performance in exams: Get a detailed report for each student in the exam showing their performance in each learning outcome, question and the overall strength and weaknesses.

Student performance in courses: Get a detailed report for each student in the course showing their performance improvement over time in each learning outcome, as well as the overall course.

General exam reports: Uncover hidden insights about your exams and find out what works and what doesn't.

Learning outcome reports: Identify where your students are struggling, and where they shine, and focus on the areas that need improvement.

Questions reports: Identify the common mistakes and the difficulty level for each question

CompanyBusiness Name: Hypatia Tech, Inc.
HQ Location: United States
Founded: 2021
Age Range19+
FeaturesAdminister AssessmentsGive Student FeedbackAnonymous GradingAi-powered GradingDynamic RubricsPaper ExamsOnline ExamsQuizzesQuestion BankTrack Student PerformanceQuestions ReportsExam ReportsCourse Reports Department ObjectivesSecure ExamsLearning OutcomesPrint ExamsScantron GradingHandwritten PaperCollaborative GradingLms Integration
LanguagesEnglish, Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Modern
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy
RequirementsDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - Android
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10 minutes

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Teacher must create the account.

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Last updated 20th February 2025
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