What is Morrisby?
A Morrisby careers programme provides all the research tools needed to help students discover the world of work and pathways forward. These include options choices, subjects for further study, detailed career information (including LMI), and a comprehensive directory of higher education courses, institutions, and apprenticeships. We now also offer a work experience package in partnership with Changing Education and we would love to tell you more about everything we do.
Established in 1967, Morrisby exists to help every student take on a rewarding career journey that suits their abilities, personality, and ambition. We provide the leading careers education, information, advice, and guidance (CEIAG) service to schools, colleges and careers institutions across the UK and Europe, celebrating international successes.
You can find out more and book a demo by visiting our homepage.
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Morrisby Reviews
from 15 Verified Reviews
User rating
Jul 2024
I have used Morrisby for 10 years with students and adults and without fail have found it to be a useful tool to guide people in their choices.
Lisa Boyd found Morrisby:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Keeps all information in one place, so it is easy to find and prevents teachers having to collate information separately.”
- Slightly provides school data“I do not work in a school so do not know but would assume it means they can keep track of numbers applying to different universities and for which subjects etc.”
- Moderately increases student collaboration“Students typically discuss their Morrisby career suggestions and their interests with each other and if they have similar suggestions/interests this increases collaboration around discussing HE courses and future careers.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“If parents attend Morrisby feedback meetings they can help explore course and career ideas with their student afterwards and also understand why the student may be making the choices they are. This can be very helpful for year 12 subject choices for example.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Understanding their aptitudes and interests and what this could look like in terms of a career is extremely helpful. For those who already have this knowledge and Morrisby confirms this, it gives them confidence they are making good choices. The guidance also means they can look at a variety of courses and careers that they may never have heard of previously.”

Neil Stoddart
Senior Careers Consultant
Used Morrisby occasionally for 3-4 years
Jul 2024
Morrisby is easy to use, the information it provides is peerless and it makes my work so much easier
Neil Stoddart found Morrisby:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload
- Significantly provides school data
- Significantly increases student collaboration“facilitates discussion and learning”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“helps parents to understand and contribute”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students frequently comment that they were unaware the information available using morrisby and that they are motivated to do more research”

Jul 2024
I have been using Morrisby since 1994. It is the best and most comprehensive information and guidance tool I have ever used.
Louise Jackson found Morrisby:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“N/A”
- Slightly provides school data
- Moderately increases student collaboration“Students inspired.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Related careers / career families useful.”

Emily Cartwright
Head of Careers & Professional Guidance
Used Morrisby monthly for 5 years+
Jun 2024
A great way to start a conversation with student about their future and careers
Emily Cartwright found Morrisby:
- Does not reduce teacher workload“Time spent analysing results”
- Moderately provides school data“Identifies students who are all rounders”
- Does not increase student collaboration
- Does not significantly improve parent engagement
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students learn more about themselves”

May 2024
I have been delighted with using Morrisby as everything is in one place, the ease of recording and ability to track all of the school career events and attendance as well as the accuracy of the psychometric results, how they are laid out and how user-friendly they are for student delivery.
Claire found Morrisby:
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“We use Morrisby Profile for students in Y11 and Y12 and use the psychometric results as a starting point for personal guidance 1:1 sessions. The students really enjoy the career exploration and investigation and then use Morrisby to look at university options.”
- Significantly provides school data“We use Morrisby to record all of the careers events we host and record attendance at each event and log on Morrisby. It gives an accurate picture of what we have done and who has attended which event.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are more engaged with careers events following their Morrisby 1:1 personal guidance meeting, we record all meeting notes and action plans, and are keen to see which events they have attended which are logged on to their tracker.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents are engaged and interested in the student profiles and the action plans which follow the student 1:1 meetings. We regularly have discussions with parents about A level combinations and university course choices following Morrisby meetings and they enjoy using the search tools to be kept updated of new courses and different options.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students often have a fixed mindset based on peer pressure or parental influence and Morrisby can assist with building confidence around how to search and investigate different options.”

Dec 2023
Does everything we need it to do in school and it's really easy to use. Has encouraged many more teachers to bring careers into their classrooms - and the more discussions we can have with students about their futures the better
Rebecca found Morrisby:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Easy to record Curriculum Careers Learning Hours which would otherwise not be logged other than in a scheme of work”
- Significantly provides school data“We have used Morrisby to log detail on over 45,000 hours of careers development by students in a year”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Profiling always throws up different suggestions for students in a class, provoking conversation and sharing of new ideas”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents appreciate the chance to learn about careers/pathways their students have expressed an interest in; especially useful if they did not have the same opportunities themselves”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“So easy for students to research and explore their options. Excellent LMI on around 1000 careers, with advice on how to find out more about anything of interest”

Dec 2022
Morrisby has been invaluable when working with our students. It offers an excellent in-depth and up to date careers advice platform, which is easy to navigate for all. Morrisby has been supportive and a pleasure to work with.
EC Careers found Morrisby:
- Significantly provides school data“The data helps us understand trends and ambitions of students to ensure we can advise accordingly.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“When working with the students, we go over the psychometric assessment results and it offers a great talking point for both Careers Advisers and students. It really helps students to move forward and think outside the box.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents can access the psychometric results (with the consent of the student), and we are often contacted by parents for a follow up to discuss the results. It generates plenty of conversation between parents and students.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“We use the platform together with the student, showing students up to date LMI, and other very important information students need to be aware of when making decisions for the future. The platform facilitates research and helps students to make informed choices.”

Mar 2022
Morrisby is a flexible and constantly evolving platform. One of its unique selling points is the psychometric profile which can be updated as a young person matures and their interests evolve. The team are supportive, responsive and professional, it does not feel like you are working with an organisation focused on the 'hard sell'. The system is extremely easy to use and manage. The Higher module and Tracker provide a one stop platform for young people from L3rd (year 7) to U6th (year 13). They also have the account for life.
Debbie Hearne found Morrisby:
- Significantly provides school data“Providing evidence of meeting Gatsby benchmarks and the Quality in Careers Standard.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students are able to independently research career options using the results from their psychometric profile. This can be updated as they mature. It can be used by class teachers from L3rd to U6th.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“Parents of 4th (year 9) Form pupils learn and understand more about the transitional opportunities which are available to their children. The work place landscape may have changed significantly since they were at school. Many parents are surprised at the apprenticeship routes available to young people. They find Morrisby easy to use and engaging.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“The lesson plans are excellent and used in combination with the Skills Builder they can see measurable outcomes in their progress.”

Feb 2022
This dynamic programme combines psychometric information with interests and personality profiling, but has the flexibility to change as the pupil grows and develops. The pupil can further tailor suggestions to their own feelings by liking and binning some options, and these will be linked to the later suggestions made, very much in line with current theory of how people make decisions, rather than a more outdated simple matching theory. As careers lead, the system is easy to use and manage, and can be tailored to our own cohort by creating our own activities. The Morrisby organisation is very supportive and responsive whenever we have a query.
Andrea Walker found Morrisby:
- Slightly provides school data“Raises awareness of different options, helps students to make realistic applications, so fewer are disappointed at confirmation.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Engagement with both self reflection and the research process, especially when we explain how Morrisby does recognise that their feelings and values are not only valid, but will affect their decisions, and that this is taken into account in terms of suggestions.”
- Moderately improves parent engagement“At the moment at GSAL this is something we are working on, encouraging pupils to share their profile with parents. The links to recruitment sites can be useful in helping parents understand the current labour market, as they help their child make decisions, and to realise that very often a very specific subject or HEI is not a requirement for consideration, even by the most prestigious employers.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Knowledge of different routes through education, training and into employment. It helps with comparing apprenticeship routes with full time HE, the sheer breadth of study areas and careers options really broadens pupils knowledge of what is available, when they often start the process with a very narrow view of their options. It also provides information on the wider skills needed, and moves pupil understanding on from their perception that all that matters is subjects and grades.”

Feb 2022
I've been using Morrisby, in various formats, for over 25 years. Compared to many other products I've used, I always find the career and course suggestions really accurate and appropriate. (I always test it on myself to make sure!). It's very easy to explain to students why certain ideas are suggested (when they query the suggestions). With the addition of Morrisby Tracker, the extra features now make Morrisby an integral aspect of our careers delivery in school.
Sharon Acaster found Morrisby:
- Significantly provides school data“We have yet to make full use of all the data that can be provided but can see that it will be useful in identifying careers and study interests that our students have, allowing us to target events and information for them. It will also enable us to record and identify careers and extra curricular activities our students are engaged with, so easily see which Gatsby benchmarks we are covering.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Making sure that students have re-visited their Morrisby accounts, re-taken assessments etc. to generate career ideas and study interests makes careers meetings with them more productive and focused.”
- Slightly improves parent engagement“It should do but we haven't explored this in too much detail yet. All parents are told about about Morrisby, in Year 8, when we introduce it, Year 10 when we offer Profiling, and Year 11, prior to individual careers meetings.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Generating career and course ideas is great for expanding students knowledge base about the options available to them, rather than just the limited range of career ideas they normally consider. It's very easy for them to select careers/courses of interest and have all the information they need instantly about getting into this course/career, what it involves etc.”

Feb 2022
Morrisby is at the core of our all-school careers provision. The more we use it, the more value we get from it.... and we still haven't used it to its full potential. Morrisby has simplified KS3 & KS4 careers lessons in PSHE, and streamlined A-Level & university course choices. We use Morrisby Profiling in 5th form (y11) for the whole cohort and for new starters in 6th form. Profiling gives us the information to have meaningful conversations about career options and subject choices for further study. I rated Morrisby a 10/10 for the positive impact it has had on our students, the ease with which we can log our progression towards the Gatsby Benchmarks, the ability to have a seamless all-school provision from Y7 through Y13. Morrisby (Careers / Profiling / Tracker / Higher) has simplified my role as Head of Careers, allowed parents, tutors and teachers to get more involved with student decisions, and has enhanced what we are able to offer our students. Highly recommended!
Antonia Robinson found Morrisby:
- Significantly provides school data“Testing outcomes that map perfectly across other trusted data sources.”
- Significantly increases student collaboration“Students collaborate in tutor groups on Careers based projects from Morrisby Careers / Tracker”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“As a boarding and day school communication with our students' parents is of vital importance. The Parental Invitation option on Morrisby Profile means that parents can be part of the process of choosing A-Level and University courses. As Head of Careers I receive many emails from parents who appreciate this facility to look at and discuss the results with their children, regardless of how far they may live from the school.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“We use Morrisby Careers from Y7 through Y13 and students build a knowledge base over time. The activities and lesson plans in Tracker make this easy. When students are well informed about the world of work, CVs, the nuances of different career options and post-18 pathways, conversations and decisions about 'life after school' are simplified. Morrisby has helped our students have a broader and deeper knowledge of the world of work, career options and the various ways to achieve these goals.”

Emma Williams
Head of Careers/Teacher of Psychology and Religious Studies
Used Morrisby Careers occasionally for 1-2 years
Aug 2021
It has the potential to be a fantastic tool but that does require some timely input. Independent parental access would be favourable too (apologies if this is already available!)
Emma Williams found Morrisby Careers:
- Moderately provides school data“A-level choices (subject and centre) University options”
- Does not significantly improve parent engagement“All parents notified of tests taking place and students sent home with hard copy of Morrisby report - a few parents have then contacted myself to discuss the results”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“recognising their potential/careers involving similar skills to those they were already considering”

FutureSmart Careers
Used Morrisby Careers daily for 3-4 years
Jul 2021
We love working with Morrisby, they support us really well and are a vital part of the service we offer to many of our schools.
FutureSmart Careers found Morrisby Careers:
- Slightly provides school data“We do not use school data”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents email us to ask questions about their child's report.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“There are excellent resources which enable students to be better informed about different career options.”

Jul 2021
I am always recommending Morrisby to people! It's the best software available to help students navigate a path through so many options. Whilst many platforms appear to offer a 'personal' search facility, only Morrisby does so based on a comprehensive, 90minute psychometric test profile (alongside student aspirations, exam predictions etc) and, as a consequence, it reliably generates suitable career and course suggestions that engage the pupils and encourage them to explore further. The software is very user-friendly, which means teachers/tutors/parents can also rapidly explore options and build their own knowledge in order to support the student in question.
Rebecca Auterson found Morrisby Careers:
- Significantly provides school data“Enables me to quickly identify students with interests in particular careers or courses so I can target relevant information to them.”
- Significantly improves parent engagement“Parents are impressed by the detail in the report and the signposting of relevant information to follow up their children's interests.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Students learn about careers they haven't heard of before, find out how pay varies between different occupations and the impact of different qualifications on career paths. Because the information is personal to the student they have a much greater interest in exploring the data and helping themselves to make informed decisions.”

Jul 2021
Excellent Platform