What is Learning By Questions?
Learning By Questions (LbQ) is a classroom app filled with curriculum-aligned Question Sets and immediate feedback to super-charge learning.
Reduce your workload with automatic marking and instant insight for effective interventions. Learning By Questions covers all abilities so you can differentiate and support your students your way.
With LbQ, you can drill a particular rule with a practice set, conquer a complicated theorem with a mastery set, or even craft your own bespoke Question Set for a particularly tricky subject.
Real-time lesson analysis gives teachers the information needed to intervene, teach and plan ahead without marking.
LbQ covers KS2 and KS3 maths mastery, English and science.
Educational Impact
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Learning By Questions Reviews
from 54 Verified Reviews
User rating
Eilish Hanworth
Class Teacher
Used Learning By Questions daily for 1-2 years
Feb 2022
Just brilliant - children and teachers love it and the results are evident.
Eilish Hanworth found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“planning, marking, assessment”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“tailor support to ability and topic more easily”
- Moderately provides school data“gaps identified in the Autumn term assessments which are then focused on. Again after the Spring term whole school assessments.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Results on whole school assessments which are tracked termly and yearly.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“fluency and problem solving to meet needs of children”

Mark Stephenson
STEM Lead and Y3 Teacher
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
Such a great resource to use. Thousands of question sets at the click of a button that our children from Y1-Y6 love using.
Mark Stephenson found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Question sets are so easy to locate and use with links direct to schemes such as White Rose. It takes minutes to search and review question sets before allocating to classes.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Higher achievers thrive at the extension parts of the question sets. Children are able to work independently on tasks without any peer pressures. The live results enable quick interventions where needed. Using LBQ as intervention and top up sessions is also an excellent use of the resource.”
- Significantly provides school data“Tracked classes allows for speedy access to data. Whole class tracking as well as individual results are easily accessible. Data then used alongside school data systems.”
- Significantly improves attainment“As the children access LBQ question sets at their own pace, their confidence and performance have improved. There is less peer pressure. Children are independent learners. With clear help and guidance if they get something wrong, it removes the stigma of feeling different in front of others.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Great to reinforce what is being taught. Also great to be able to extend using further reasoning and problem solving.”

John Coombs
Teacher/ Maths Coordinator
Used Learning By Questions daily for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
The use of Learning by Questions has changed my teaching, changed the attitude towards learning of my pupils, has significantly helped to reduce the time I spend as a teacher planning and marking and most importantly has had a positive impact on the attainment of all the pupils that use it.
John Coombs found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Planning and marking time is significantly reduced due to Learning by Questions.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Pupils are able to work through questions that strategically challenge their understanding. They are able to receive instant feedback if they do get a question wrong, this has such a huge positive impact of their confidence and understanding as they progress through any given question set.”
- Moderately provides school data“Although it isn't used as an assessment tool is does offer instant, clear analysis of pupils understanding. This can really help with teacher assessments and enables a teacher to add extra intervention of those pupils who need it.”
- Significantly improves attainment“I have a number of pupils that have made accelerated progress in Maths already this year. They came into the year working currently below age related expectations and have grown in confidence and understanding leading to them now being assessed as at age related expectations. Regular use of LbQ has without doubt positively impacted on this.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“The structured nature of the question sets activate and builds on prior understanding before moving on to more challenging questions that deepen the pupil's understanding on a particular element of Maths.”

Jason Hudson
Deputy Headteacher
Used Learning By Questions daily for 1-2 years
Feb 2022
I feel that LbQ is the way to support learning in real time, where children can be motivated and challenged and supported individually and independently, in a busy classroom, without anyone being left behind.
Jason Hudson found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Assessment/Planning/Resourcing are all a breeze when using the Tracked Class features”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Using practise question sets to support children with lower levels of fluency as well as the ability to to identify and deal with misconceptions as they arise in real time impacts greatly on attainment.”
- Moderately provides school data“Moderation of pupil progress and attainment is greatly supported by the rich information collected for each child.”
- Significantly improves attainment“The ability to select an modify tasks to support or stretch learning ensures that chidden are able to attain well.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Ability to rehearse and repeat tasks or use unit reviews or make own question review sets support children's metacognition.”

Morris Smith
Year 6 Teacher
Used Learning By Questions daily for 1-2 years
Feb 2022
It is easy to use, quick to set up and the children enjoy using it still after months of use - not just a quick fad that dies off!
Morris Smith found Learning By Questions:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Support materials and questions are delivered and marked, allowing quick targeting of intervention and support.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Children's misconceptions are identified early for support. We have used this for intervention groups to enable children to work through a large bank of questions to develop their understanding.”
- Moderately provides school data“Full data breakdown is available for each task.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Children have more variety in the types of multistep problems that they encounter.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Children have immediate feedback on questions attempted.”

Feb 2022
Superb learning platform that shows progress in real-time. Removes the old-fashioned approach of marking books and giving feedback well after the event - often the following day - when misconceptions have had time to become concrete. This system nips those misconceptions in the bud before they take root. We've started to use it as a same day intervention and it was excellent as a remote learning resource during lock-down. This is the next step in the evolution of teaching!
Mark Harding found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Self marking and identifying misconceptions efficiently.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“LbQ can be used to address gaps and be used as same day intervention.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Challenging question sets designed to build on previous learning.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Wide range of question sets that pinpoint key learning.”

Mark Daniels
Teacher of Mathematics
Used Learning By Questions daily for 0–3 months
Feb 2022
Excellent resources to help me teach and to promote good progress for students. Its reduced my workload massively and improved the variability of the work given to students. Not only would I recommend LBQ I have already done so to every member of staff who will listen.
Mark Daniels found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Planning and printing of worksheets now a thing of the past. Extension work already and thus less needed. Easy to find and quick to access in lesson.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Students can see their progress and they can give themselves targets for learning. The program is also allowing them to see that others are wrong too and thus manage their expectations better.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Students reaching higher levels on topic assessments and more willing to attempt harder questions. This is providing better outcomes.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Enables students to see why they are wrong and helps them improve. While LBQ does not teach students it does allow me to have many excellent learning conversations.”

Feb 2022
Perfect addition to the classroom
Reece Watters found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Reduced planning and automatic assessment”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“RAG rated assessment”
- Significantly improves attainment“SATs”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Builds recall fluency”

Billy Walton
Year 6 Teacher & Maths Subject Leader
Used Learning By Questions daily for 5 years+
Feb 2022
A wonderful resource, which can be a game changer in the classroom, especially with the core subjects but increasingly so in foundation/curriculum subjects.
Billy Walton found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Instantly assessed work saving hours of marking time and frees up the teacher to focus on the data instantly produced to target teaching or challenge misconceptions.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“LbQ allows for purposeful and differentiated sessions to be running while you, as the teacher, can target pupils who need accelerating/ additional support/ extending.”
- Significantly improves attainment“Challenging questions in both varied fluency and problem solving and reasoning, driving up classroom expectations.”
- Slightly builds student knowledge“Practice and feedback can contribute to this.”

Feb 2022
Useful and easy to use
Julie Davies found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“marking reduced, can also be used for whole class sessions or just with groups that may need reinforcment”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap“x”
- Slightly improves attainment“x”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“immediate feedback and opportunity to try again”

Feb 2022
Very good resources
Thomas found Learning By Questions:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Great questions readily available”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Great questions for all levels”
- Moderately improves attainment“Knowledge available for everyone”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Get the knowledge then are able to push to problem solving”

Daniel Millward
Assistant principal
Used Learning By Questions daily for 7–12 months
Feb 2022
It's the future
Daniel Millward found Learning By Questions:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Rewriting scheme of work for certain classes”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Particularly on arithmetic”
- Moderately improves attainment“Place value and number, lbq and regale practice has had an impact on attainment”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“We use the block reviews to measure this”

Assistant Headteacher
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 0–3 months
Feb 2022
Really easy system to use. Competitive price. Helps teachers with planning. Students like it.
Nicola found Learning By Questions:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Immediate marking of questions and specific feedback to students”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap
- Moderately improves attainment“Addresses misconceptions with pupils”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Addresses misconceptions, allows students the space to get things wrong and to improve”

Gareth Bailey
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 7–12 months
Feb 2022
Amazing platform and support service
Gareth Bailey found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Quick access to question sets and equipment”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap“Not seen the impact yet”
- Slightly improves attainment“Not assessed the impact yet”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Outcomes from early assessments”

Feb 2022
it is an innovative approach which so ar has appealed to all of my students
Sarah found Learning By Questions:
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“less marking means more postive time with the child”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“children can see themselves achieve and this boost s their confidence a lot quicker in some ways that i can boost it!”
- Moderately improves attainment“as previous”
- Slightly builds student knowledge“i am not sure about this one...i would need longer to ascertain this”

Feb 2022
It is a fantastic product that teachers and pupils love.
Peter Ashworth found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The way that the application is set up means that staff are always able to use it immediately.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“We get comprehensive breakdowns on pupil performance meaning we can target effectively.”
- Significantly improves attainment“It builds strong pupil knowledge.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Recall is much quicker and pupils are more engaged.”

Cory Simpson
Teacher / Maths Lead/ Computing Lead / KS2 lead
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
It’s one of the best learning platforms I’ve used.
Cory Simpson found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The instant feedback is invaluable, the self marking and analysis is incredibly useful and the ability to easily set different tasks to differentiate is great.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“I’ve seen children who struggle with place value or calculations make rapid progress”
- Significantly improves attainment“The whole set up is geared towards being appealing to children and it makes them Want to learn and therefore pushes their learning on.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“The mastery approach really helps to build and consolidate pupil knowledge”

Feb 2022
It has been a success since we started our journey with LBQ and we are still learning and improving our knowledge on got to gain the most out of the fantastic learning tool, that is LBQ.
Trystan found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Pre assessment and post assessment to identify prior learning and any potential gaps.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Progess has been shown when comparing pre and post assessments.”
- Moderately improves attainment“The children love the competition which impacts positively with their learning and attainment.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“It recaps prior knowledge from previous years.”

Bernie McNerney
Computing Lead
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 1-2 years
Feb 2022
I love LBQ, it's one of my favourite teaching tools!
Bernie McNerney found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It makes assessment much easier, I can use it extend learning for the GD children. I can use it to plan or deliver an impromptu lesson.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap
- Significantly improves attainment
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Children are often exposed to other vocabulary or other ways of visualising number questions etc.”

Gary Walsh
Teacher (Director of computing)
Used Learning By Questions daily for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
LBQ has had a significant impact on teaching and learning. It reduces workload and the children are fully engaged and on task when using it.
Gary Walsh found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It informs my teaching for maths. I can identify misconceptions immediately and plan my future lessons strategically.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“The children achieving greater depth in maths has increased significantly compared to last year.”
- Moderately improves attainment“The percentage of children achieving greater depth in maths and spag has increased”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“I have noticed children have a deeper knowledge in maths and spag”

Classroom Teacher
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 1-2 years
Feb 2022
It helps reduce workload, student really enjoy working at their own pace, it is easy to address misconceptions individually or as a whole class.
Nana found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Using LbQ for Maths and English has really helped see the impact teaching has on the students as misconceptions can be easily spotted and addressed.”
- Slightly reduces attainment gap
- Moderately improves attainment“It helps children work at their own pace, therefore those children who are fluent with procedural mathematical questions have more opportunity to complete problem solving and reasoning questions.”
- Moderately builds student knowledge

Jenna Sanderson
KS4 Maths Coordinator
Used Learning By Questions daily for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
I couldn't live without LBQ now. It is the best thing available in maths for teachers and pupils.
Jenna Sanderson found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Saved hours and hours each week of marking and creating resources.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Allows you to target intervention immediately so you can focus on the pupils who need it most”
- Significantly improves attainment“We have data from tests which compare groups who used LBQ and groups who didn't. Progress differences were very clear.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Pupils remember the content and the strategies and use them in future work.”

Will Harding
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
I think it's an incredible tool for teaching and children are hugely engaged in every lesson.
Will Harding found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“It makes assessment easier for teachers and saves time on planning and marking.”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Children access a range of questions and are significantly engaged.”
- Moderately improves attainment
- Moderately builds student knowledge

Steven Day
Assistant Head Teacher
Used Learning By Questions weekly for 1-2 years
Feb 2022
It's an excellent platform. Would recommend going for the very best tablets your school could afford.
Steven Day found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“No marking and quick on-the-spot assessment tool”
- Moderately reduces attainment gap“Faster skimming and scanning skills in reading”
- Moderately improves attainment“Greater percentage of children reaching mastery in maths”
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Science - acquisition of new vocab”

Edel Murphy
Head of Maths and Numeracy Coordinator
Used Learning By Questions daily for 5 years+
Feb 2022
LbQ is amazing. As a maths teacher of twenty years I have to say it is the best innovation I have encountered. The positive impact on my classroom practice is huge. I can immediatley pinpoint areas for development, engage all pupils and have fun with it! Highly, highly recommended.
Edel Murphy found Learning By Questions:
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Learning by Questions marks the pupils work instantly, freeing the teacher up to target and correct mistakes and misconceptions immediately. The teacher can immediately see common problem areas and can pause the task to work with the whole class. Work can be easily differentiated by setting appropriate tasks to different groups.”
- Significantly reduces attainment gap“Pupils are able to see immediately if they are getting a question wrong and can try a different method. The teacher can see if they are struggling with a concept as they are working rather than finding out later on when marking their book. Learning by Questions encourages pupils to work together to come to a solution. It also encourages all pupils to 'have a go' which is essential in Maths. Pupils are less worried about making a mistake as they know they can try again. We have found that the impact of this is that pupils are making more progress than previously and that this success is encouraging them to keep striving for more!”
- Significantly improves attainment“Using LbQ helps the teacher immediately identify areas of weakness or misconceptions so these can be dealt with quickly. The pupils can quickly see that often the issue is that they are misinterpreting the question and that their understanding of the 'maths' is fine. Using LbQ has injected a 'buzz' into our maths classrooms and our GCSE results have improved significantly since using LbQ.”
- Significantly builds student knowledge“We use LbQ to directly target individual pupils' areas for improvement. Using data from standardised testing we can easily work on developing highlighted areas through the LbQ platform. In class, one of the advantages of LbQ is that the questions assess pupils' understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving in order. Often reluctant pupils can be motivated by the fact that their understanding and fluency with a concept is sound and that they just need more cnfidence with the problem solving type questions.”