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Kidz Learn Applications

Kidz Learn Applications

Kidz Learn Applications

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What is Kidz Learn Applications?

Kidz Learn Applications are educational apps covering math, science and basic computer science. Each app has the necessary information to make students aware of global concerns and the small proactive steps and solutions to address them.

App Bundles

Kidz Learn Rocks and Rotating Globe


Math Set Operations


Kidz Science Bundle


Apps for Elementary English


Kidz Learn Triangles and Graphs




This is an educational and a reference app which describes important concepts in Algebra. As the name suggests, the app has explanation on Math Algebra - Logarithms, Exponents, Quadratics, Polynomials along with Radicals and Complex Numbers. The app also has problems with detailed explanation of hints for solving. The audio explains the concepts that enables the user to pause, or continue to listen.

Weather and Globe


"Weather & Globe" is an iPad, iPhone and watch app that displays a map as a globe along with the weather conditions. The user can navigate the globe using swipe or tap. Tap once to make the globe stop rotating. Tap again to start the rotation of the globe. The app displays weather related information, based on the user's IP address. A small emoji shows the weather condition ( Rain, Haze, Snow or Wind) along with the temperature. There are effects for Heavy Rain, Heavy Snow, Blizzard, Partly Cloudy, Fog etc. The user can long press the sphere to change the image texture. Double tap once to remove the globe. If you want the globe double tap again. Also, with users permission, the app sends notification when new location is entered.

"Kidz Learn Geometry":


"Kidz Learn Geometry" sets the basic foundation in Geometry by reviewing and
going through the basic concepts. The app begins with an overview of
the Geometric objects - line, ray, point, segments and angles. The app
then gives an overview of various types of angles in two dimensional
space and then explains the concept of congruency in segments and angles
by exploring a few examples. The app also focuses on reviewing and
re-reviewing the contents through quizzes and proof analysis and

"Kidz Learn to Write"


Kidz Learn to Write" is an educational app that is designed for pre and
elementary school kids to write and practice alphabets in English
language and do Math. The app is divided in to different categories or
sections for teachers/parents/students to choose from, and write with
their fingers - letters, alphabets (A - Z), numbers (1 - 100), months,
days and do various math operations. This app also has a section to
write sight words that has easy and moderately hard words for elementary
school kids

Math - Mean Median Mode


An educational app with a set of problems covering various scenarios in Range, Mean, Median, Mode and Percentage. This application starts with basic explanation of Range, Mean, Median, Mode and Percentage, then moves on to solving basic problems taking a few real life example problems as scenarios. Hints in this application, reveal answers explaining the method for arriving at a solution to each
question. There is also audio for each question as an aid to listen.

Geo Blocks - Math:-


"Geo Blocks - Math" is an app that shows various geometric shapes in 3D
space. In 3D shapes, this app has questions on whole and part of a
geometric shape and building different shapes from other geometric
figures. A brief video describes different scenarios and keywords to
spot for using different arithmetic operations. There are also simple
math word problem questions to solve, based on various operations -
plus, minus, divide and multiply.

Minerals & Rocks:-


application describes various minerals, their properties and their formation. This app categorizes and sketches the difference between minerals and rocks, by taking a few examples to describe their formation. This app is educational and can be used as a reference to know important properties such as a mineral’s Hardness, Cleavage, Fracture, Crystal form, and
Fluorescence. This app also has an option to pause and play the audio. There is also a quiz section with a set of questions, to review your knowledge on rocks.

Predict Me :-

is a fun play that predicts your favorite dessert , flower and number.
This app asks a bunch of questions and the player has to answer 'yes' or
'no'. The game predicts based on the player's choice and also describes
a fun fact or a personal trait of the player. It is a fun activity to
engage with your friends, family or just play solo. This game has a dark
screen mode.

"Graphs and Slopes "


explains the concept of linear equations in Math. This app categorizes the graph
concept into bite size information. The core points like y-intercepts,
slopes and graph plotting are explained with examples. Review questions
at the end of the category, asks questions pertaining to these concepts
and even has the option to provide hints and answers to reinforce your

"Kidz Learn Vocab"


is an educational app that uses core words that make up 70-90% of English
language on a daily basis. This app is divided in to sections -
vocabulary, usage of verbs, prompts for colors and rendition of core
words. This is an interactive app that kids can touch and identify the
objects. The audio in this app help aid kids to repeat the core words
and the questions. (Checkout the review)

"Kidz Knockout Operations"


is a fun way of learning math operations - Addition and Multiplication.
The game asks the player to choose from two operations - Addition or
Multiplication. If nothing is selected, the game sets the default
operation to Addition. If the choice is 'Addition', then the player has
to hit the numbered balls to make a sum that is equivalent to the
monster's number. The quiz progresses from 'easy,' to 'medium,' and to a
'hard' level, the options for hitting the numbered balls to make a sum
or a product (in case of Multiplication) to equal the monster's number,
decreases. For level ' easy,' the numbered balls range from 1 to 9; for
level 'medium,' the numbered balls range from 5 to 15 and for the 'hard'
level - 15 to 20. For Multiplication, the player's goal is to hit the
numbered balls to make the product equivalent to the monster's number.
In both the operations, the player cannot hit the ball that has the same
number as the monster's number. Happy playing :-)  - (Checkout the review)

Triangles in Geometry 


is an educational app that starts by describing the triangle basics -
(Acute, Obtuse, Right Angle) and then progresses to explain the various
centers in a triangle - (Centroid, Incenter, Orthocenter) and Area. The
app also summarizes and explains with images, triangles, Theorems, and
Postulates ( Proofs). Review questions (Quiz) at the end of the section
has a few problems based on the triangle Theorems and Postulates. - (Checkout the review)

Kidz Fun


displays the image in Alphabets and Numbers in a random order for very young
kids to learn and have fun. This app is available for download in all
countries. Check out "Stories in Kidz Fun and Kidzfun - Category Select" blog for knowing more about the contents of the app.

Kidz Fun - Category Select 


displays image with audio detailing the content, based on a selected category. Check out "Countries and their boundaries" blog to know more about the group "Countries" in this application. 
New Addition - Computer Science for Tablets.

Body Parts - Basic:-


This app enables learning in a child to know the essential body parts in 5 different languages. (Checkout the review)

Body parts - Basic (Middle and Asia):-


This app enables learning in a child and helps them to know body parts in 5 different Asian languages.

Kidz Match:-


This app is a memory matching game that enables learning Alphabets,
Numbers, bugs, professions, parts of a body using Alphabets, Numbers,
Body Parts, Profession and Bugs match in 6 different languages. - (Checkout the review)

Kidz Learn:-


This app fosters learning in a child while having fun. This app
displays high definition & quality images, sounds, and audio.

Kidz Puzzle Time:-


This app is a fun tool to enable memory skills by identifying Size, Shape, Type, Pattern, and Color.

Buggy World (iOS)


and Bugs World in Android enables the child to explore the world of bugs and their importance in nature. Check out the blog "Buggy World" to know more about this app.

Body Parts - Internal Organs:-


This app describes internal organs in a human body and its essential functions. 
This app also describes skeletal organs in a human body and its essential functions. 

Kidz Learn Transportation:-


This app is a tool for kids to learn various transportation objects
(vehicles) and also know the operations ">" and "<" using images.

Kidz Learn Countries:-


This app is a tool for kids to learn various countries and also know basic fractions in math. Check out, "Countries and their boundaries" blog to know more about this application.

Space Chunks:-

This app is a tool that describes space objects with quality images and descriptions from NASA. Check out the blog "Space Chunks" to know more about this app.

Kidz Learn World Sports and Angles:-


This app is a tool for kids to lear n different popular and rare sports
played around the world. It also explains the necessary angles in

Kidz Learn - Rocks:-


Kidz Learn - Rocks educates about the types of rocks found in nature.
These app categories and provides a detailed explanation of rocks, types
of rocks, and also has a video on rocks. This app is educational as it
describes the external and internal factors that cause the rock
formation. Quiz section at the end of the app reviews the user's
knowledge on rocks.

Rotating Globe:-


is an augmented reality app that displays a world map as a globe. The
Globe float's in front of you. The user can navigate the Globe using
swipe or tap. The user can also find the current Weather conditions by
entering zip code. The user can enter a US zip code and get the current
weather condition with emojis. The app also displays the effects for
Rain, Snow, Wind, Cloud, and Haze.
If the user wants to look at a particular continent or a country in the Globe, tap once. The Globe stops rotating. When tapped again, the Globe will start to rotate. The
user can also swipe left, right, up, and down to see different places,
countries, and continents in the rotating Globe. The user can combine
swipe and tap to navigate around the rotating Globe to see different
places and enhance their general knowledge.

Two Iguanas:


This is an educational app describing the iguanas in the wild using
animation. This app says a short story about the iguana using fun
animation, a short video that has pictures of an iguana with facts
stating their habitat and diet. A quiz section tests your knowledge of
the story.

Got Questions? You can reach "Kidz Learn Applications"
through any of the social media links above. __The above apps go by the
name "Kidz Learn Applications" are not affiliated with any academic
curriculum. These applications are educational but are not intended as a
replacement but as a tool to foster interest in learning.​Check out
mobile and web privacy policy for "Kidz Learn Applications" at https://www.kidzlearn.co/privacy-policy.html

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CompanyBusiness Name: Kidz Learn Applications
HQ Location: United States
Founded: 2013
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-18, 19+
FeaturesEducational Mobile ApplicationsIos Educational ApplicationsAlexa Educational ApplicationsAndroid Educational Applications
LanguagesArabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy PolicyGDPR
RequirementsAvailable OfflineDesktop - MacMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - Android

Knidle and Alexa Devices

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Home LearningParent Access

Anyone can create the account.

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Kidz Learn Applications pricing starts from £1.99 / one-off
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Last updated 14th February 2025
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