What is Junior Language Link?
Junior Language Link is an innovative, award-winning online assessment and intervention package used by schools to identify and support pupils, aged 7-11 years, with language and communication needs. It is also suitable for leaners new to English.
Language difficulties change over time and children can become experts at hiding them. The Junior Language Link standardised assessment allows you to quickly identify where any language breakdowns are occurring. Our instant assessment reports will point you at suitable class and group interventions and highlight where specialist advice is needed.
Junior Language Link provides a wide range of planned and resourced interventions for a graduated approach to supporting children with speech and language needs. Our universal high quality teaching strategies and classroom resources enable teachers to support speech and language development across the whole class.
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Junior Language Link Reviews
from 19 Verified Reviews
User rating
Nov 2022
It is good to assess the child
Clare Hollingsworth found Junior Language Link :
- Does not reduce teacher workload“They have to run intervention groups so it makes more work”
- Does not significantly improve teaching efficiency“You can't teach the whole class and run a SLCN intervention group”
- Does not significantly improve teacher wellbeing“It makes more work for them”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“They know more about the child”

Nov 2022
I feel we need longer to implement this before I could make a true judgement
Helen found Junior Language Link :
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Junior LL is carried out in small groups by myself (SALT learning support assistant) so I assess, set up and run groups then provide feedback to the teachers under the supervision of our SENCO. So this area of support does not increase teacher workload.”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“This is hard to answer as this is our first term of implementing Junior LL fully”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“Answer as previous”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“Raises teacher awareness of SCLN needs of children within their class...I always try to communicate results of assessments; what support I will be giving and how this support can be carried through in to the classroom”

Eve Heard
Used Junior Language Link weekly for 3-4 years
Sep 2022
I think for older KS2 some of the activities are a little young for them
Eve Heard found Junior Language Link :
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Interventions ready to pick up and go”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“Can monitor progress and gaps”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“Unknown”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge“Unknown”

SEN TA : Speech & Language
Used Junior Language Link occasionally for 0–3 months
Jul 2022
It can provide a good 'starting point' from which to start supporting a child with SLCN needs
Sally found Junior Language Link :
- Slightly reduces teacher workload
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge

Mrs Dunlop
Send TA
Used Junior Language Link occasionally for 0–3 months
Jul 2022
Mrs Dunlop found Junior Language Link :
- Slightly reduces teacher workload
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge

Jul 2022
We would like to see a wider variety of resources for the higher key stage two children.
Tess and Danielle found Junior Language Link :
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“As we have dedicated staff who take lead with salt teachers workload is not impacted.”
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency“The more the child progresses with the salt staff the more this will have an impact on teaching efficiency.”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“If there was no salt staff the teacher would have responsibility for language link therefore this would increase their workload and could have a negative impact on their well being.”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge

Jun 2022
I use other methods so mix
H Oram found Junior Language Link :
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Understanding whats they are saying”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Understanding”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“less frustration”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge“knowing how to help”

Jun 2022
s found Junior Language Link :
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“having to find resources”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“finding resources for small group work”
- Does not improve teacher wellbeing
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge“helps me support teachers and demonstrate things”

Jun 2022
Really good resource and overall service. Makes things so quick and easy to do. Really making a positive impact on the pupils
Elaine Cory found Junior Language Link :
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Able to support key pupils”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“Know they are doing the right thing(s) for key children”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“Feel happy they are supporting pupils well”
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge“Depends on what they already know and the types of children they now teach”

Apr 2022
It is a useful tool to help understand barriers to learning caused by language needs, or sometimes merely to rule out that language difficulties might be an issue. It is also useful in measuring progress in the area of language development.
Ruth Campbell found Junior Language Link :
- Does not reduce teacher workload
- Does not significantly improve teaching efficiency
- Does not significantly improve teacher wellbeing
- Slightly improves teacher knowledge

Assistant SENDCo
Used Junior Language Link weekly for 3-4 years
Feb 2022
I like that planning is done but for KS2 it can be a bit dull. The assessment is far too long but comprehensive. Year 6 sessions were fantastic. The investigation at Morley Manor went down really well. The children were talking about the crime outside of the intervention and couldn't wait for their session each week. This was a well planned, exciting and effective program
Wendy found Junior Language Link :
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Saves time planning”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency“Repeating my delivery improves my knowledge”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“Less time spent planning”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge“Repeating the lessons helps to improve delivery”

Clare Hollingsworth
Used Junior Language Link daily for 7–12 months
Dec 2021
not all my friends can afford it
Clare Hollingsworth found Junior Language Link :
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“No but it helps me as senco identify who needs help”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“If the teacher understands what the child needs they can teach better”
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing“Well they have to set up the interventions which is difficult if they don't have a TA to deliver it”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“they will know about a child if they have the assessment”

Becky Evans
Used Junior Language Link monthly for 5 years+
Oct 2021
Junior Language Link is a very useful screening tool
Becky Evans found Junior Language Link :
- Does not significantly reduce teacher workload“Although I screen which takes away teacher workload fitting in interventions is very tricky”
- Slightly improves teaching efficiency
- Slightly improves teacher wellbeing
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge

Sep 2021
greta resource
Sarah found Junior Language Link :
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“part of differentiation”
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency“clearly planned and accesible resources”
- Moderately improves teacher wellbeing“structured#”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge“provides guidance on how to support slcn”

Jul 2020
Vital part of assessment to give a baseline and identify areas of concern. Also vital for and speech and language referral
Julie found Junior Language Link:
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Helps scaffold language understanding and use”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Providing resources and tracking sheets for small group work as part of pre-teaching a theme. Using language through colour coding parts of the sentence.”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“Using colour coded language resources and techniques”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“It does ease work load and resource making”

May 2020
The resources are visually appealing and easy to use; the lesson plans are comprehensive; the Helpdesk staff are always very helpful and efficient; the children really enjoy the group work and benefit in many ways; the assessments are straightforward and the children enjoy doing them.
A Chase found Junior Language Link:
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“The listening and attention skills of most of the children improve following the LL interventions. This is frequently demonstrated in their small group or one-to-one work and mostly demonstrated in class. For some children, as their receptive and expressive language develops through LL group work, their anxiety levels are reduced which enables them to access their learning more easily. In addition, the Year 3 Swimming Pool group provides an opportunity for children who have never been swimming to develop an awareness, acquire vocabulary and talk about their anxieties around swimming in preparation for their school swimming lessons.”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload“Unable to answer.”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“LL is a brilliant resource to share, particularly with NQTs and less experienced teachers, to help them understand why it is so important to teach listening skills, how poor receptive language skills can be so easily masked and the value of early intervention. The website and resources make it easy to explain what happens when the children come out for group work and the teachers see the impact it makes.”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Unable to answer.”

Apr 2020
We use this to access gaps in new children that we have not been able to assess with Infant LL
Jeanette Wellard found Junior Language Link:
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Children generally pass the assessment the second time around”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Resources & lesson plans readily available”
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“Similar gaps appear so teachers can ensure these are covered in lessons ie instructions & concepts”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing

SEN Team: Inclusion Lead
Used Junior Language Link for Over 10 years - Junior language link came a little while after Infant language link.
Apr 2020
Like Infant Language/Speech Link - the Junior language Link provides accurate assessment and next steps, making the referral process much easier and quicker.
Julie found Junior Language Link:
- Significantly improves teaching efficiency and productivity“Pre-Teaching topics and concepts which then enables the children to access the curriculum appropriately - which then leads to efficiency in teaching and learning.”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“The resources are available on the website - they are readily available with teaching notes, resources and ideas, backed up by evidence based research”
- Significantly improves teacher knowledge and skills“Teachers now using language through colour to support language building and knowledge in the classroom - the way they delivered their lessons changed when they incorporated the LtC resources and ethos”
- Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing“Allows them to understand that they don't have to spend hours in an evening making individual resources for their children - that there is a reliable place where they can get quality resources and accurate assessments.”

Apr 2020
only recently started using but been useful so far
k.sherrington found Junior Language Link:
- Moderately improves teaching efficiency and productivity“focus on what child needs”
- Slightly reduces teacher workload
- Moderately improves teacher knowledge and skills“teachers know where children are at specifically”
- Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing