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Quality pedagogy awardTeacher recommended certification for 2025/03

What is Jigsaw?

We believe that all children deserve to grow up happy and healthy, with the life skills to understand themselves and the world around them and be prepared for the opportunities and challenges of adult life

As a result, the reason we exist and everything we do is about helping schools with the whole-child development of their students - by taking a whole-school approach to our programmes

The way we do that is by providing comprehensive PSHE and RE programmes and resources online for schools, with expert training and support so that teachers are prepared and confident to deliver these difficult to teach topics to their students. 

We are the market leader with a team of educators, subject experts and independent advisors developing and maintaining all our programmes, trusted by over 9,500 schools in the UK and internationally.

Jigsaw Education is built and maintained by a passionate group of individuals, each bringing a wealth of experience from around the world.

With over 200 years of combined experience, everyone at Jigsaw loves the impact they are making and are passionate about using their skills to create a better outcome for children, young people and educators.

All members of the Jigsaw Education team provide an impactful contribution to those around them, collaborating to ensure Jigsaw goes above and beyond.

Recommended Usage

We recommend embedding the spiral curriculum as a whole school approach with 45-60 minute lessons taught weekly to gain maximum value and impact.

Educational Impact

improve teacher knowledge
build student knowledge
reduce teacher workload
Improves Behaviour / Wellbeing


The EdTech Impact Awards are based on independent, verified customer feedback, and recognise the top 10 solutions across each of our 13 impact metrics.

Award: Top Student Knowledge Tool 2025.

Top Student Knowledge Tool


Award: Top Student Wellbeing Tool 2025.

Top Student Wellbeing Tool


Award: Top Teacher Workload-reducing Tool 2025.

Top Teacher Workload-reducing Tool


Award: Top Teacher Knowledge Tool 2025.

Top Teacher Knowledge Tool


CompanyBusiness Name: Jigsaw Education Group
HQ Location: United Kingdom
Founded: 2013
Age Range0-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16
FeaturesPupil VoiceAssess ProgressBuild KnowledgeImprove WellbeingWhole School ApproachSupport WellbeingTeacher CpdSchool SupportDevelop Social And Emotional Skills
LanguagesEnglish, Welsh
AccessibilityModerate features
PoliciesTerms of ServicePrivacy Policy
RequirementsInternet - Low BandwidthInternet - High BandwidthDesktop - MacDesktop - WindowsDesktop - ChromebookDesktop - LinuxMobile - iPhoneMobile - iPadMobile - WindowsMobile - Android
Set Up

Immediate set up and start

TrainingLive OnlineWebinarsDocumentationVideos

We offer recorded onboarding training initially with live online or phone support as needed. Any questions or specialist support is available from our expert mentors. There is a wide range of recorded and live CPD included in the subscription alongside the ability to purchase tailored training packages for specific school needs.

SupportEmailFAQs/ForumPhone Support

The school support team are available all year around between 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri.

Home LearningParent Access

School must create the account.

Parents are able to access the materials to support schools with informing and consulting with them in-line with RSHE guidance.

TagsPSHEMindfulnessREPSERVEWellbeingPersonal developmentSEL

Jigsaw Pricing

Pricing Plans

Free TrialPaid Subscription

Jigsaw pricing starts from £495 / year

Prices depend on the product purchased and number of pupils in the school

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Jigsaw Reviews

4.8 out of 5

from 21 Verified Reviews

Jigsaw has collected 21 reviews in the past 6 months

User rating



Rose Sullivan

Classroom Teacher

Used Jigsaw daily for 4-6 months

Mar 2025

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your positive review Rose!
Rose Sullivan found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
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Lisa Mcphillips


Used Jigsaw weekly for 3-4 years

Feb 2025

We have received Flagship for two years on the run this is not just about the acclamation of an award but the knowledge that our PSHE as stated in the National Curriculum is fundamental for the well-being of the children to build a sense of achievement and individual positivity about themselves which scaffolds all areas of learning

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We appreciate your comments and will be in touch shortly to discuss your feedback and offer our support.
Lisa Mcphillips found Jigsaw:
  • Does not significantly reduce teacher workload
    It has a huge impact weekly focus lessons applicable to both Key Stages and EYFS
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    It gives excellent examples and signposts of teaching and delivery particularly focused on PSHE
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    The children love the characters of Jigsaw and the hook of the chime to relax and engage them into the lesson the children's voice has noted of frequent occasions this the Jigsaw lessons have a sense of calm and relaxation
  • Slightly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children participate fully in lessons due to the inclusivity of the themes and how as a whole school teachers are trained to deliver the lessons
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Kirsti Goodall

Behavioural Support

St Bartholomew's CE Primary School, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 5+ years

Feb 2025

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We appreciate your input and will be in touch shortly to discuss your feedback and offer our support.
Kirsti Goodall found Jigsaw:
  • Does not significantly build student knowledge
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Does not significantly improve behaviour or wellbeing
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Tor Archer

Class teacher

Used Jigsaw weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2024

Reply from Jigsaw:We’re delighted to hear your positive feedback on the Jigsaw materials. Thank you for sharing your experience, Tor!
Tor Archer found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Less planning, key words explained
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Lessons kept up to date
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Helps children to reflect. We really like the mindfulness
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Building on from previous lesson. Scaffolded learning
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Sharon Jones

Deputy SENDCo

Henleaze Junior School, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Used Jigsaw daily for 1-2 years

Nov 2024

Jigsaw Games has made a huge impact on childrens lunchtime behaviour. The children really enjoyed attending. When there is no adult to supervise the older children take charge, it a really lovely, safe environment.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your fantastic review Sharon! We are so pleased to hear that you are experiencing the benefits of Jigsaw Games in your school!
Sharon Jones found Jigsaw:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    We use Jigsaw Games as a lunchtime provision and we have noticed less children being involved in incidents and come back into the classroom ready for learning.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children who attend Jigsaw Games are significantly better at team games and enjoying being part of this additional provision. Parent/s have also commented (parent words - 'I also hear positive things about Jigsaw Games and it is great to know that during free time the children are choosing to participate in active, inclusive play')
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
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Used Jigsaw weekly for 0–3 months

Nov 2024

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your positive review!
L found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Julia Hart


The Mease Spencer Academy, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 5 years+

Nov 2024

We love Jigsaw at The Mease! It aligns with our curriculum ambition of 'establishing the conditions', ensuring we are teaching the children skills for life to enable them to manage relationships, health and their emotions.

Reply from Jigsaw:Your review is very much appreciated. We're so pleased that you're finding the Jigsaw materials helpful. Thank you Julia!
Julia Hart found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Confidence in scheme
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Aligns with national curriculum requirements
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Focus on wellbeing throughout scheme, eg, each lesson begins with 'calm time'
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Focus on developing children's emotional literacy progressively throughout all year groups
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Dawn Robertson

Deputy Headteacher

Ringland Primary, Wales

Used Jigsaw weekly for 3-4 years

Nov 2024

Jigsaw is the golden thread in our school that supports our Health and wellbeing offer. We could not function as a school without our Mondays starting with Jigsaw. Th programme is quality assured and relevant to all that we teach in Wales.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your kind review Dawn! We're so happy to know that the Jigsaw materials are working well for you.
Dawn Robertson found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    With the recent changes and links to the new Curriculum for Wales and RSE code, Jigsaw has been significant in supporting our staff in the delivery of the AoLE for Health and Wellbeing. Jigsaw has enabled the staff to deliver a consistent approach and very much a progressive skills based learning experiences for our children. The mapping document links a variety of other AoLE's especially Oracy. We have been able to upload the mapping documents against our spirals.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The themes across the year support our curriculum offer. The children are using the sessions to understand behaviours, including themes of bullying, on-line and Relationships.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Teacher RELeader

bs329bs, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 3-4 years

Nov 2024

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your 5 star review Amy!
Amy found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Hayley Allen

SMSC Leader EYFS Lead

Heatherlands Primary School, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 5 years+

Nov 2024

Jigsaw is a whole school approach and with it being an online resource, this means it is constantly being refreshed and is updated with current guidance and legislation. Having used different schemes within the past and also having written our own, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the programme to colleagues. Our staff feel supported and confident teaching PSHE and more recently RE and the pupils greatly benefit from not only the lesson content but it also positively impacts their health, behaviour and relationships.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your positive review Hayley! We're delighted to hear that the Jigsaw materials are making such a difference for you.
Hayley Allen found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    With the scheme of work having individual lesson plans, resources and built in assessment opportunities, this significantly reduces planning time and resourcing. The slides are helpful and also editable for teachers to adapt and personalise to their own school's needs.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Both for the subject leader and also staff who are teaching PSHE and RE, there are opportunities for training on the portal. The key documents are invaluable for staff to have a greater understanding of key areas such as RSHE, mental health etc. With RE there are really helpful background information sheets to support teachers' subject knowledge.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Our school have recently been inspected as part of the Inclusion Quality Mark award which stated that 'the school is right to take great pride in the children's spiritual, moral, cultural, personal, social and emotional development.' Jigsaw Education is referenced and it notes that our school's 'personal and character development are exemplary', with Jigsaw being a key strand of this work within our school. The benefits of the 'Calm Me' time cannot be underestimated with the children learning techniques to calm their minds and relax their bodies. This supports the teaching of mindfulness along with the lesson content and Pause Points.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Our children from EYFS to Year 6 are able to use the taught key vocabulary from the programme. As Jigsaw has progressive and spiral core programmes with linked assemblies, it means that the each year group builds on learning from the previous years. All the materials are age and stage appropriate and children are able to talk confidently about their learning as they move through the school.
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S James

Head of Health and Wellbeing

Idris Davies School, Wales

Used Jigsaw weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2024

Jigsaw is an excellent resource that is very well planned and thought out and very easy to use. The mapping documents are excellent and saves an enormous amount of teacher preparation time. The support you receive is outstanding.

Reply from Jigsaw:It’s fantastic to hear you’re benefiting from the Jigsaw materials. Thank you for your positive review!
S James found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Resources such as lesson plans, worksheets, PowerPoints etc. are provided. In addition, mapping documents, audit tools and policy templates are also available. This significantly reduces teacher workload.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Allows wider discussions with pupils. This is turn allows teachers to motivate and challenge ideas and opinions and overall helps them teach more effectively.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    All Jigsaw lessons begin with mindfulness practice - this has a positive impact on behaviour and wellbeing and starts the lesson in a calm manner.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Lessons are thought provoking and relevant. Discussions result in pupils gaining new ideas, thoughts and approaches about and in different situations.
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Emily Brown

Teacher and PSHE Lead

Wheatfield Primary School, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Used Jigsaw weekly for 5 years+

Nov 2024

We love Jigsaw - there are some lessons that we improve as they are very similar but overall love it

Reply from Jigsaw:We're so happy to hear that you're benefiting from the Jigsaw materials. Thanks for your positive review Emily!
Emily Brown found Jigsaw:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    you dont have to think of activities as it is all there
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    How important calm me time is
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Children use the calm time strategy in difficult situations
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    they can talk about their emotions more
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Cerys Williams

ALNCo and Health and Wellbeing Lead

Penllwyn Primary, Wales

Used Jigsaw weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2024

It supports staff knowledge and confidence, provides positive learning experiences for pupils, has allowed us to access Jigsaw Connects for one of our classes to collaborate with another school, ensure we achieve statutory requirement and have clear progression across year groups.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your glowing review Cerys! We're pleased to hear that the Jigsaw materials are working well for you.
Cerys Williams found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Lesson plans are already prepared with clear resources but allow for clear opportunities to personalise tasks and ensure they follow the school's teaching and learning policy.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Teachers at primary level are not specialists and require a lot of complex knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Often, PSE topics can be quite sensitive regarding their theme and their statutory requirements and Jigsaw ensures that lessons are age appropriate and support teachers knowledge and confidence with developing the subject.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Most learners enjoy the weekly lessons but an example of where the lessons have had a positive impact is with a Y6 pupil who shows high levels of disengagement with learning but will join in weekly Jigsaw with the rest of his cohort inside the classroom.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
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Nicola Archer

RE Subject Lead

Used Jigsaw weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2024

A high quality resource that is in line with all current requirements from Ofsted and RE world. Reduces teacher work load and supports teacher subject knowledge. Pupils engaged and developing greater knowledge and empathy for our diverse world.

Reply from Jigsaw:We’re grateful for your positive feedback on the Jigsaw materials. Thank you so much Nicola!
Nicola Archer found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    A plug and play resource - Everything thing you need to deliver comprehensive lessons. Teacher script including key questions, slides activity sheets and assessment included.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Background information sheets for each enquiry. CPD webinars on each worldview and themes/updates from the RE world
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Use of the learning charter provides a clear expectations for behavior during the lessons and beyond
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Evidence from in class discussions, pupil voice and assessments.
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Theresa Demir

Deputy Headteacher

The King's Church of England School, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 3-4 years

Nov 2024

It is a thorough scheme that supports teachers to teach PSHE. The portal is well organised, easy to find and lots of resources available, e.g. knowledge and skill organisers, policies to use etc

Reply from Jigsaw:We're grateful for your positive feedback and thrilled that you're finding the Jigsaw materials useful. Thank you Theresa!
Theresa Demir found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Slides and plans already prepared
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Lots of detail/ teacher notes to support
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Discussions with children, as a resource for circle time
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Progressive curriculum
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Lucy McKinley

Class teacher and PSHE/RSE lead

Used Jigsaw weekly for 3-4 years

Nov 2024

It is an in-depth, DFE approved program that is child friendly, easy to understand and delivers high quality resources for the children.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your review Lucy! We’re delighted to hear you’re enjoying the Jigsaw materials.
Lucy McKinley found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Having the lesson plans and slides ready to go means staff spend less time planning, and more time being able to deliver the high quality teaching we aim to do. Knowing that the content is in line with the DFE, and updated to keep up to date with all the changes to RSE means that we are confident in what we are teaching. The assemblies are good to deliver to each key stage and help to introduce each puzzle piece.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    As staff we have been able to learn what vocabulary is age appropriate, the progression of learning and how to introduce a concept in a child friendly way.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The children use the calm me breathing, the solve it together technique and also use the lessons learnt through Jigsaw to help them make decisions in their friendships and relationships.
  • Moderately builds student knowledge
    The spiral curriculum means that each year the children are able to build on their previous knowledge, as well as revisit it, so that they are constantly taking in the information and absorbing it until it becomes embedded.
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Gilly Brookes

Teacher/ Jigsaw Lead

Brimington Junior School, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 5 years+

Nov 2024

I've used Jigsaw since it's launch and I've implemented it successfully into every school I've moved to.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thank you for your positive review Gilly! We’re so happy to hear the Jigsaw materials are working well for you.
Gilly Brookes found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    The planning is all done, I have the confidence to know coverage is guaranteed and age appropriate.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    The Jigsaw SRE is fabulous and improves teacher confidence.
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    A weekly check in with pupils is fabulous, I get to know them better through Jigsaw lessons. We practise Calm Me in lessons so they can feel how to calm themselves down for when they need it most.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Great links to the UN Rights of a Child.
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Letitia Powell

Vice Principal

The Godolphin Junior Academy, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 5 years+

Nov 2024

A very good, comprehensive scheme that meets the requirements. Good lesson plans and has wonderful resources.

Reply from Jigsaw:We appreciate your feedback and are glad you’re enjoying the Jigsaw materials. Thank you, Letitia!
Letitia Powell found Jigsaw:
  • Moderately reduces teacher workload
    Lesson plans are made so the teacher has everything required to teach the lessons well. The scheme is planned well through a spiral approach and this takes the weight of teachers as they know the scheme meets the requirements.
  • Moderately improves teacher knowledge
    Useful links provided and the lesson plans are detailed for teachers to teach confidently. Compared to previous PSHE schemes, teachers feel more confident in delivering the lessons.
  • Moderately improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Students enjoy the calm me aspect of the Jigsaw lessons. Some children use this strategy outside of the lessons.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    The scheme develops students' knowledge well in all areas of PSHE. Students can articulate more clearly and are confident in this area.
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Jane Newman

Jigsaw lead and EYFS KS1 leader

Used Jigsaw daily for 5 years+

Nov 2024

Jigsaw is embedded within our whole school culture.

Reply from Jigsaw:Thanks for your wonderful review Jane! We’re so pleased to know you’re enjoying the Jigsaw materials.
Jane Newman found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Planning and resources are pre prepared. All paperwork needed is provided and support for Ofsted inspections.
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Calm me time and we have incorporated Jigsaw into out behaviour rewards.
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    It builds up sequentially so knowledge is retained.
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Claire Morgan

Deputy head

Used Jigsaw daily for 5 years+

Nov 2024

When truly embedded across the whole school, impact is huge.

Reply from Jigsaw:Your positive feedback about the Jigsaw materials is greatly appreciated. Thank you Claire!
Claire Morgan found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Resources are ready to use
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    Through the way children care for each other when there are difficulties
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Online safety
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Daisy Secker

class teacher

Hollyfast Primary School, England

Used Jigsaw weekly for 1-2 years

Nov 2024

As a school we love jigsaw it fits perfectly into our curriculum. Throughout the school childrens knowledge and love for jigsaw has increased in each year group and pupil voice shows this

Reply from Jigsaw:We’re thrilled to hear you’re enjoying the Jigsaw materials. Thank you for your positive review Daisy!
Daisy Secker found Jigsaw:
  • Significantly reduces teacher workload
    Lesson plans and resources are quick to be planned during a PPA session
  • Significantly improves teacher knowledge
    Jigsaw plans go through in depth what is to be taught and gives opportunities and examples to share ideas and opinions with children
  • Significantly improves behaviour or wellbeing
    The chime and mindful pictures helps the classroom environment/ behaviour to be a lot calmer and settles the children very quickly
  • Significantly builds student knowledge
    Children are understanding how to view their classmates similarities and differences and are becoming more respectful in this area. The relationships and families unit
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Jigsaw Alternatives

Jigsaw Categories
#2 in RSE
#2 in RE
#3 in PSHE
#4 in Planning
Last updated 20th March 2025
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