What is FormTimeSorted.com?
FormTimeSorted helps secondary schools provide engaging and consistent activities for registration time, covering news, literacy, numeracy and SMSC.
We cover the difficult topics like discrimination, modern slavery & bullying, so you don’t have to (and without using powerpoints).
Created by teachers, for teachers, the site ensures there’s always something productive for students to do, ready and waiting online.
Educational Impact
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FormTimeSorted.com Reviews
from 6 Verified Reviews
User rating
Mar 2019
Easy to access, friendly format and lots of useful resources
Carol Durrans found formtimesorted:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Knowledge shown in form time quizzes”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload“Don't have to produce a news quiz. Provides much of a tutorial programme.”
- Slightly improves school processes

Mar 2019
I think it could have a specific focus like PSHE for example to then make it more attractive for schools who struggle to create a proper programme and give teachers links to content that can help deliver PSHE and current affairs.
Ranjit found formtimesorted:
- Slightly builds student knowledge“The links to the TED talks have helped engage discussion afterwards. The news headlines are also useful.”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Saves teachers time on planning for tutorial because its all on the site.”
- Moderately improves school processes“A proper programme of PSHE can be implemented through this website and saves staff time to prepare when all resources are available on this site.”

Mar 2019
It is easy to use, fun for the students (they love it) with an educational benefit across a range of subjects.
Claire found formtimesorted:
- Significantly builds student knowledge
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“If we aren't given any resources, we still have s fun and useful resource to use. ”
- Significantly improves school processes

Mar 2019
Fun. Informative.Engaging
GillYoung found formtimesorted:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“Expanding vocabulary by seeing if words made from the cube arereal.”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“Tutorial activities that promote good relationships between staff and students and promote oracy as well as subject specific skills.”
- Significantly improves school processes“Allows admin to be addressed while engaging students”

Mar 2019
prepared quiz, number and literacy and PHSE materials
susan booth found formtimesorted:
- Significantly builds student knowledge“news quiz vocabulary ”
- Significantly reduces teacher workload
- Slightly improves school processes

Mar 2019
When I talk to my colleagues and explain ways of using FormTimeSorted they are always keen to get going and use it (NB: we are the early stages of a whole school rollout)
J Partrick found formtimesorted:
- Moderately builds student knowledge“Raising awareness of current events in their society Providing a focus on literacy and numeracy (along with a competitive edge to form time "games")”
- Moderately reduces teacher workload“The weekly quiz would not need to be created and checked, The booklet contains some great ideas for discussion, The literacy and numeracy tabs provide activities allowing me to focus on daily administration. ”
- Slightly improves school processes“As we are at the early stages of a staged rollout, examples are only personal. Has freed ”